Chapter 20: Poisoned

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Daybreak's POV

I was enjoying a nice stroll around the palace gardens with my amazing girlfriend but I want to be more that just girlfriends....I'm going to ask Shadow for her hand in marriage.

"Um Princess Daybreak do you have a moment?" One of the guards asked me

"Sure why what's wrong?" I asked. Shadow and I were both confused

"It's just that Crown Princess Scythe hasn't been seen since yesterday and none of the shinigami at the library nor our friends in the real world have seen her. My men are out looking now but..."

"Then why did you not alert me sooner? We have to find her. I'm not going through a role reversal of me losing her like she lost me" I replied

"I'll go talk to your parents and see if anyone knows where Scythe was yesterday" Shadow told me

"Alright. I'll head to Hell and talk to AB and the gang. Call me if you find out anything please" I asked my devil

"Of course I will" then with a kiss to the cheek she ran to the throne room whilst I flew to Amybrine's castle. I knew Blaze would be there since he's moved in with her as well as the fact Midnight and her boyfriend Ash live there since Midnight and AB are cousins due to their dads being brothers. Amybrine's dad being the elder brother

I landed then saw all of them talking to Sona, Flare, Ember, Ice and pretty much the whole clan.

Did the clan have a meeting Scythe, Shadow and I missed or something?

"Ah Lady Daybreak a pleasure to see you again" Jasper said to me

"Thanks Jasper I just wish it was under better circumstances. Scythe has been missing since yesterday and it has all of Purgatory Palace and our library on alert because we don't want a repeat of what happened to me. I'm still blind from all that" I explained

"I see. Follow me then. Mayhap a certain she-devil-she-demon can help you out"

"Yeah I was hoping for that. Kind of why I came" I replied then we walked over to Amybrine

"Daybreak? Everything alright?" Amybrine asked me so I explained everything

"Oh god, that is an issue. No one in hell has seen her otherwise someone would have alerted someone. We'll keep an eye out both here and in heaven" then as I was about to say something Shadow called

"They found where she last went so we need to move. Now" Shadow told me

"Alright. Have Lucifer stay at the castle, if Scythe is hurt the last thing our son needs to see his aunt is that way."

"You got it. See you shortly" then I hung up.

"Son? Named after my brother's technical name?" Fierra asked

"Yup. Lucifer Skyfall. Prince of Purgatory" then I teleported to Shadow then a few minutes later we found scythe

"Oh no" I muttered then jumped down to her

"SCYTHE! SCYTHE PLEASE DO ANYTHING TO SHOW YOU AREN'T DEAD" I cried out to her but for a response I just got twitching fingers

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"SCYTHE! SCYTHE PLEASE DO ANYTHING TO SHOW YOU AREN'T DEAD" I cried out to her but for a response I just got twitching fingers

"We have to get her back to the castle immediately because either my vision is acting up or she is paler than usual" Shadow told me then we teleported and Scythe was brought to the infirmary without delay.

Both of us were genuinely panicking then the doctor came and spoke to us

"She's stable for now but the next 72 hours are crucial to let us know if she'll pull through your graces" the doctor explained then returned to the medical wing whilst Shadow and I went to our bedroom where she pretty much held me close as I broke down.

"I can't lose her Shaya....I just got my family back" I stated between tears

"relax my darling neko. She is so tough I know she'll pull through. You pulled through 13 years of torture and she is your sister." Shadow told me as she stroked my fluffy ears to calm me down eventually I cried myself to sleep

Shadow's POV

I felt something fall onto my shoulder and when I looked, Daybreak was asleep.

She must have cried herself to sleep. Then again it's getting late.

I used my powers to change her outfit then tucked her in under our duvet. Then I myself got changed and let my hair down. Afterwards I climbed into bed next to Daybreak and held her close.

The next morning I woke up before DB which let me tell very rare. XD. She is the early bird out of the two of us. But I decided to let her keep sleeping whilst I went to check on Scythe and visit my brother's grave.

I arrived at the medical wing ten minutes later then saw the doctors who were looking after Scythe

"Ah good morning your highness" the medic said to me

They know my birthright title as princess of the cosmos. Same to a lot of people so if they choose to call me your highness I'm not going to stop them

"Morning. How is she this morning?" I asked as I put my hand on Scythe's.

"Doing quite well actually. Since she pulled through the night we are more confident she will pull through this. The poison is now gone, trust me my healers stayed awake all night in rotation to remove that. How is Princess Daybreak holding up though? I know the two sisters care a lot for each other same to how much you care for them"

"Well she cried herself to sleep last night. She's still sleeping now. Normally I would wake her but *sigh* she needs the rest. As for me, I know the pain all too well of possibly losing a sibling. In fact Princess Khaleesi of the dragons and I share something in common. Both of us had a brother who sadly died. So I am determined to make sure Daybreak doesn't go through that emotional trauma." I explained

"Today would have been his birthday right?"

"Yeah...he's 2 years older than me and I'm about a year younger than Daybreak so he would have been 28 today. Well I should get going. I'm meeting up with my dad at Amarus' grave so if Scythe actually wakes up, please send for me?"

"Will do" then I left to go visit my brother's grave with dad. I still hate my mom because she is just...I don't even know anymore but my dad well...after Amarus died, dad came to me and promised to be there for me when either Daybreak, Scythe or myself need/want him.

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