A Brother's Love.

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Jason Lannister POV. 

No words can describe the rage burning deep within Jason Lannister, due to his idiot of a man he calls father, had his little brother Tyrion Lannister arrested for Joffrey's 'murder'

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No words can describe the rage burning deep within Jason Lannister, due to his idiot of a man he calls father, had his little brother Tyrion Lannister arrested for Joffrey's 'murder'. 

No fucking way was his spoiled shit of a mad nephew was poisoned; IF Tyrion were to kill Joffrey,  his little brother wouldn't have done it with poison. No his little brother would have preferred to do it with his bare hands or even with Joffrey's sword 'Widow's Wail' and he would have helped dispose of the body or make it look like it was some common folk who finally had enough of the shit and killed him.
Whom he would have killed to cover the tracks, seven hells he and Tyrion often spoke of this during the early part of the War of the Five Kings, fuck they even wrote a full proof plan on how to get away with it. 

Such a shame Tyrion has too much of a heart to have done it, shame too because his little brother is the ONLY one in the family to have truly inherit their mother's kind gentle heart. Something his sister and father often spoke as a weakness in him, Jason has thoughts of doing the realm a fucking favor and throw them both off the Red Keep to save the realm of their idiocy.  

Truth be told, his now dead nephew truly is; correction WAS a cunt, which was no fucking surprise on how the little shit turned out. Considering who spawned the wretched bastard out of her cunt. 

Speaking of cunt, his sister Cersei ALWAYS hated Tyrion, blaming him for the death of their mother Joanna, remembering the time he struck her with his right hand after catching her twisting Tyrion's penis in front of Prince Oberyn Martell. 

He never forgot the look on BOTH of their eyes that day, of course his bitch of a sister ran to father and he was punished for it while she got away with it. All because father was grooming her to be Rhaegar Targaryen's bride, he wonders if their mother would proud on how her three 'golden cubs' turned out. 

He is still furious at his father forcing him to wed Sansa Stark, the poor girl suffered enough as it is from their family and the fact she nearly two years younger than his daughter Joanna. 
At least he prevented her from being smuggled out of the capital by whoever the idiot lackey who was hired by Littlefinger. 

He may not like the marriage between him and the young girl, but he would have her with him than Littlefinger, he made sure men who were loyal only to him to guard her. Of course the damn weasel or 'mockingbird' he proudly called himself fled to the Eyrie, honestly Brandon Stark should have done the realm a favor and killed the fucking bastard. 

Not wanting to dwell on the thought for too long, he begins marching to the black cells where his brother is being locked up. 

Only to be stopped by his idiot older brother Jaime 'The Kingslayer/Sister-Fucker/Attempted Child-Murderer/Kinslayer' Lannister, who looks speechless to see his OTHER little brother. 

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