The Year That Christmas Wasn't

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The Year That Christmas Wasn’t

Ch. XX: Introduction

               The core of love is not words. It is a collaboration of actions and deeds, all coated in a fine layer of handsome words and creatively bundled in the form of a heart. And when you find someone to care for that heart, to love and nurture it, only then has true love actually been achieved…

               “Nick?” The slender brunette raised her gloved hands to remove the white, fur-lined hood from her head. She shook out her curls and smiled easily. “Nick? Sweetheart, where are you?”

               Warm hands enclosed around her shoulders and she started. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Carefully, he untied the white shawl and slid it off of her shoulders. “I had to rehearse the flight plan with the new flight team.”

               She smoothed a satin-clad hand over his cheek, before she took off her gloves and shoved them into the pocket of her shawl. “That’s okay. You didn’t frighten me.” Her warm smile never faded. “How is the team?”

               “Talented. I wasn’t sure what to think when Dasher took that fall. He broke his front leg, and the fall caused Dancer to tumble too, though his was only a small tweak in the shoulder.” Nick said. “They should be fine next year.”

               “I’ll visit them anyhow. It has to be lonely in that old barn. I mean, the elves can’t be with them all the time. They have other reindeer to train and we can’t spare any hands when there are only -,”

               Nick beamed. “Thirty-three days left until Christmas! Isn’t it wonderful?”

               “Yes. Yes, it is.” She bent down and started to untie her white snow boots, which matched her shawl.

               “And how is our little bundle of joy? Is she wonderful as well?” Nick asked.

               The brunette took his hand and placed it on her distended abdomen. “See for yourself.”

               After a few seconds, the baby kicked. A radiant shimmer filled Nick’s eyes. This was their third attempt for a baby and the only time that she had ever made it to the third trimester. The doctor had explained that it was due to her genetic makeup as a half-bred elf. Elves were meant to be immortal, single generation creatures. The only reason that she was able to conceive was because her mother, who was also an elf, had done so before her. But the doctor had warned them that it would be incredibly difficult for her to successfully bear a child.

               Suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, Nick scooped the smaller woman into his arms. He spun her around once, the vibrant assault of colors dizzying him and her laugh lighting each of his nerves on fire. It was a wonderfully perfect sensation. Carefully, he set her back down and took her pallid face in his hands. Years of human ancestry shined in her liquid blue eyes. And her smile, soft and easy, told of secrets he could never dream of knowing. She blinked, pecked his nose, and then ran off, chuckling, in the direction of the dining room.

               Nick watched as she waltzed off, too slow to actually desire to be away from him, a new smile forming. So, she wanted to play a game, did she? He would indulge her. Sliding the fire-engine red suit jacket off, he rolled back his white sleeves and took off after her. There was no need to waste energy and charge after her full speed. Besides the fact that he would catch her much too easily, he could also hit her too hard and accidentally cause harm to the baby. So he remained a considerable distance behind, admiring her as she ran.

               Watching her now, one could hardly make the assumption that she was seven months pregnant and counting. The white dress that she wore contoured to every curve of her lithe body, and yet, it only showed off a small baby bump. Really, she wasn’t even into maternity clothes yet. Again, this stemmed from her elfin DNA. The white dress she wore had three-quarter sleeves that were frayed at the end and it ended just above her knees. From there, she wore white fishnet stockings and her feet were bare. Her brown curls were held with a white ribbon.

               She rounded a corner and he caught her easily, scooping her into his arms and smiling as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “It looks like you caught me.” She smiled.

               Nick nuzzled her nose affectionately. “I’ll always catch you.” And then, he set her down carefully. “But now, fair maiden, I request a kiss.” The regal air about him was almost comical.

               She flipped her brown curls over her shoulder. “Then a kiss you shall receive.”

               Leaning up on her toes, she planted a kiss on his warm lips. Slowly, his hand came up to tangle in her still-wet locks, mangling them into a knot around his fingers. But then, all of a sudden, she drew back. Her big blue eyes widened uncomfortably and she shivered as a sudden cold bit at her skin. Nick wrapped his arms around her and rubbed some heat back into her little arms. When that didn’t work, he finally decided to take her into his arms and slowly rock her back and forth. This action caused him to see what had caused her such distress.

               Quickly, he thrust her behind his back. “Well, well. And here I thought that you would never notice me. I’m insulted, truth be told.” He turned his icy eyes on the brunette. “Rime… there’s no need to be afraid.”

               Rime dug her short nails into Nick’s back, trembling. “Nick…”

               “Leave, Jack. You’re not wanted here.” Nick hissed. “Bernard, take Rime to our bedroom. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Nick ordered. The elf hurriedly ushered the taller woman away.

               “Such a dutiful husband, Nick. Always worrying about your pretty little wife.”

               “What do you want, Jack?” Nick scowled, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

               “What do I want?” Jack paused, grinning masochistically. “Why, only the little things. To be on the ‘good list’. To finally be allowed out of this icy hell. Your wife.”

               “You’re a sick bastard, Jack. If you so much as lay one icy finger on her -,”

               Jack rolled his eyes. “Let me stop you there, Nick-y boy. You can say that you’ll hurt me, you’ll kill me, and all of that other shit all ya want. You know that you’ll never do it.”

               Nick didn’t seem incredibly convinced. “If you actually think that that is true, then you’re delusional.”

               “You need me, Nick. Without me, all those snot-nosed kiddies you so adore won’t have their White Christmas. And I… I need your wife. I think that we can reach some sort of deal.”

               Nick clapped his hands and in a flurry of snow, Jack vanished. “In your dreams, Jack. In your dreams.”And then, turning on his heel, he turned around to search for his wife.

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