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Son Yejin POV

"Miss Son, haven't we made ourselves clear yesterday? Or it's just you who don't understand the meaning of consorting my son? How can this happen? he got caught in another humiliating scandal like this. Why did he spend the night outside?" Mrs. President asked me, still managed her tone calm, but clearly disappointed was all over her.

It was 6 AM but I already started my day being scolded by The First Lady.

"I am sorry, Ma'am. He said that he would meet a female friend and spend the night with her in the hotel. I reminded him to be safe, and he said he would go straight to the hotel room to avoid being caught. I have no idea that he throws a private party there."

"A private party with half dozen of strippers! Luckily Mr. Park has bought and taken down all the pictures, but you, how can you still be calm looking at these pictures? This is him, your fiance, with a stripper on his lap, aren't you feel uncomfortable, at least? How can you manage to sleep last night knowing your fiance was spending the night with another woman?" she pointed at a picture of Bin and a stripper, in a private party.

"With all respect, Mrs. President, I am working, pretending to be his fiance in public, and I have done my part yesterday. But what Mr. Hyun did last night was his own will and I have warned him. I'm asking for your suggestion, Ma'am, what am I supposed to do if he wants to do his extracurricular at night next time? I don't think that I should join him."

"Of course not! Do anything so he stops seeing another woman during your marriage. I will scold him by myself later, but you, Miss Son, do something. What did he get from this woman? give it to him."

"With all respect, Mrs. President, it's clear that he was looking for some kind of sexual intercourse, which I can't give him. Does this assignment come with that task too? Because I'm sorry, I can't. I'm not being paid here to satisfy his needs."

"Like you aren't attracted to him already, Miss Son? We saw how you acted yesterday, very convincing. At some moment I believed that you both really attracted to each other. Or are you that old fashioned? I knew you both sleep separately the night before. something, Miss Son. I will personally speak to my son after this, but this, can't happen anymore. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

She stormed out of the study. Mr. Park was looking at me uncomfortably.

"Mr. Park... what should I do?"

"What's done is done. I've taken care of it. Partially, I agree with her that you should do something to stop his extracurricular at night, but I believe there are a lot of options rather than sex."

"I understand that extracurricular may have become his habit, that he has needs, but I don't think that I should be the substitute for that. I have to think a better way so that he can have it without being caught."

"Are you sure, Yejin? One of the girls would potentially leak it somehow."

"Then how? Don't you suggest to me too, I'm not a prostitute, Mr. Park. I'm being paid for this assignment, and I can't risk getting pregnant, Mr. Park, you know the agreement. If I was, then my baby won't have a father to support. I don't want it to happen."

"I don't. Mrs. President is just upset, ignore her words about suggesting you give her son what a prostitute did."

"I know, she's just emotional, but I'm insulted, Mr. Park."

"You slept in the guestroom?"

"I did."

"You better move back. Do what you do best, Yejin, and just stick to the initial reason why you're being assigned for this. Image, and it doesn't require a heart, so I support your decision to stay professional...but I won't complain though if it develops to the next level."

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