No Rush, Slow Touch

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Son Yejin POV

Bin walked me home. We took the bus instead of the tube, because my eyes were still swollen and I didn't think that I can line up in the Oxford Circus station at this rush hour, and it was only 20 minutes ride, and few minutes walk. I was impressed that he was willing to take public transport just to be with me, for all I know the last four to five years of his life he never took one. Maybe when he was in college, but I think he must have a car, because him going to a night club by bus? not cool.

He tried several times to start a conversation, and I answered his questions but didn't ask him back. Just like a Q&A session, not a warm conversation between friends, lovers, or whatever we were at the moment. He still looked cheerful, thou, and I must admit that had lightened up my mood as well.

We reached the apartment door, and I was just about to thank him and say goodbye when my mini neighbor opened her door and dragged a paper bag filled with fruits and cereals.

"Aunty, this is yours."

"Oh, thank you sweetie, but you must be mistaken. It's not mine."

"It's yours, from this uncle this morning," she pointed at Bin.

"I see, well, thank you, sweetie. Good night!"

The little girl nodded and walked back to her door. I picked up the grocery bag from the floor.

"What is this?" I asked.


"I know, but did you really buy these for me? Why?"

"I want you to eat healthy food, so our baby will stay healthy too."

A wave of sadness washed all over again but then suddenly I heard his stomach growled. He hadn't had any dinner yet.

"Sorry," he mumbled, clearly clueless why I frowned but he caught it somehow. "I'll go now before I pass out."

"Are you hungry?"

"You think? You refused to sit with me in Pret when I want to have some cold sandwich."

"I can fix some dinner, not a fancy one, just some sour and spicy chicken noodles, if you want to, please come inside."

He instantly grinned for finally getting permission to go in and maybe, thinking about his dinner. "Thank you, please."

I opened the door and went to the kitchen, boiling some water, and left it to change into a more comfortable house dress. He sat on the couch, turning on the TV, and put his feet on the table. He loosened some buttons from his shirt. He likes to dress formal, the shirt was the first option, and he won't wear a tee if there was a clean shirt in his closet. Honestly, he looked like a husband who just got back from work, relaxing on the couch while waiting for his wife to prepare the dinner. I liked this situation. A normal couple.

Thank God Shinhye has left, or I would kick her out to savor this moment. I was happy with his presence but him bringing the baby topics over and over again, I can't. I needed to tell him that there was no more baby in me. I had to be ready if he was upset and maybe left me because he has no reason left to get back with me. I doubted that he loves me that much.

"Dinner's ready," I said.

He jumped from the chair and quickly sat on the dining table, holding his chopsticks like a little boy eager for his meal. He took some and taste the sauce, and gave me his rewarding smile.

"This is so delicious! I don't know you can cook this well!"

"We had a chef in the Blue House, and I didn't have a chance to cook there, they wouldn't let me. But I used to cook for friends and my self back in my old flat."

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