Chapter 1: White walls

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Chapter 2: James "Bond" POV

I yank the door open and yell, "The King has arrived!", as I toss the keys to the table.

"Emma? Your awesome brother's here! I brought fries and pizza! Smell it?" Minutes later, no response. Yada- yada. Serenity is all I hear.

"Ooo-kay. I'll take the first bite, then." Patience was not in my stomach's vocabulary. Ha! I held the box of pizza and fries, putting as much fries my mouth can take while I grab a slice. Popping my butt on the sofa, I turn the tv on.

After flicking through tv channels the entire time, got bored and ate my share, I head to my room for shower. But I can hear the hard running of water.

"Don't make a river out of that poor faucet, Em's." She's using it like a mad woman. Geez! Well, I guess I have to deal with the itch without my buddy the water's help. Fuck this ! It feels like something's crawling all over my bod. They better be toothless!

To ease the hell-of-a-plague on my body, I thrum some beats with my foot. And I'm barely fucking winning it!

"Emma! Forever does not exist!

After a painful 30 minutes of waiting, I stomp my way to the door. 'Ugh! How can a girl this small and sweet make me boil like a fucking lava mount!' I mutter under my breath.

Heavens! Why am I such an idiot? I haven't checked the light and with all its moron might, it was fucking off! The tap was running by itself.

James Bond. Guess you only had the name after all.

This living voice gives me hell! 'Shut it!' I mentally replied like a mad man.

I push the door open and switched on the light. Shit! If eyes can fall from its place, then mine would be dead-beat on the floor by now. My body is frozen same as the lifeless body strangely flaunted below me. There are white pills scattered beside her small head and pale hand. Her other hand was clutching a small empty plastic bottle. My eyes widen when I realized it is actually my fucking sister.

I wanted to scream for help, but my voice lost its strength. Instead I began sobbing like a little girl. I held her body on my chest. Looking at her pale and hurt, a sudden panic bonk me over the head.


"Oh, God! Help her! This can't happen!" I haven't notice I was carrying her in my arms when I heard a loud thud from the last step of the stairs.

"You can't fucking do this, Em's. You can't live me!" Hear me curse from hell and I won't give a damn! All I can think was her to keep inhaling and exhaling some fucking air! I grabbed my keys and pulled the door harshly.

I gently fasten her cold body on the passenger seat.

Tears clouding my eyes, I forgot I wasn't wearing any foot wear. "Fuck!" In 2 counts I grabbed the yellow one, the nearest, beside the flower pot.

"Keep breathing, Em's. Don't leave me." I murmur as I start the engine to life. For, not, the last time, I glance at her unconscious pale face.

I held her hand, fighting back my tears in the most painful way.

"Please, Em's. Don't." I say, before I hit the gas pedal.

For what seems like a lifetime, we arrived at the emergency room.

"Help! Please, we need help!"

"We have one here!" One nurse said. And after a second, white clothes came swarming at us.

"Em's, wake up, okay? Wake up."

"Sir, you can't go in here."

"But, she needs me! I'm her fucking brother!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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