Escape to reality - 01

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I shiver as the base of my foot felt icy-cold. Soft points tickling my little toes. I can feel the cold wave, embracing every inch of me. I notice the distinctive aroma of the place... Innocence. The scorching heat of sun is secluded. For the first time in months, I opened my eyes without wiping tears below them. Without the sore in my heart. This time, it felt unnatural, because everything felt right. I look around and was stunned. 'Where am I? Is this heaven? Is heaven for real?' I ask myself. Everything looks perfect. Everything felt perfect. From the blue-orange-yellow sky painted above. The flowers! That must've took forever to be in such a beautiful state. The healthy living trees that are too tall to end. To the pleasing chorus of the birds.

Alone, I wander the endless road of nirvana. Loving each and every picture I see.

'If this is the place everyone would call heaven, then, where are my love ones? I'm sure I haven't heard the comedic laugh of my father or even the warm and sweet voice of my beloved mother. And the eyes of the man I was dying to see. The touch of the man I was dying to feel.' I look around and saw nothing but still the stunning view of the paradise along me.

"Hello?" I cry. I wasn't answered by anything in human form but with the melodic voice of the wind. Embracing myself, I continue walking, view after view. Suddenly, after one step, a jolt of confusion hit me. My own hair blocking the view. The wind stopped along with my heartbeat. I'm not standing beside an endless road now, I'm standing, frozen, behind the brown benchmark. Tears threatening to fall. I know who that man is. His posture's bend, his head's on his hands, hiding the handsome face of his. I'm staring at his back, but, my heart knows.

"Adam." I called, frightened that my voice was too low for him to hear. That would give us wasted seconds. But, he barely moved.

Scared, I step forward.

He turn his head, exposing his tears. I froze. He move towards me, looking at me with sadness.

I look at him with confusion, "Why are you crying? Aren't you happy I'm here? Aren't you happy we're together, now? Adam?" I step closer. A smile escaped his lips, his cheeks still poisoned with tears. 'Stop crying. I'm here.' I wanted him to know, but my confusion won't let me speak. I tried to wipe away his agony, but he stopped me.

He caress my hands. I can feel his warm tears as his cold lips touches my skin. "If I could die again for you to know how happy I am, I would. But Emma, look at you," He directs his gaze, examining me from top to bottom. Visible pain in his eyes. I look away. Is that why he's crying? I don't care if I look the most hideous being to him now, what matter's I'm here. He's with me. "Em's, look at me. You're the most beautiful living soul that exist, okay? And will 'still' exist. So, don't make this hard for me...for us. Keep breathing. Live your life the way you should. Not this. Stop punishing yourself like this." After telling me to back off from death, he started crying. And it hurts. It hurts me to see him like this.

Oh Adam! My Adam!

I shut my eyes. Recording his words. "It's not the same. My life will never be the same...You're not there." I said between my undying sobs. My own tears betraying me after hearing my words.

"Sssh. Don't cry. Of course I'm there. I left you my heart and soul. I'm always with you. Always will." Gently, he closed the space between us. Embracing me like I'm the only one that matters. And, I realized I was doing the exact same thing.

Mmm. I longed for this moment. Our moment. "I love you, Adam." I felt his lips curved against my hair. I'll do whatever it takes to give this moment an unending turn. He held my face, like caressing the most fragile thing. Just by looking at those eyes, I can feel the affection running through our veins.

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