Chapter two-Working

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Even tho demons aren't required to sleep Frost found herself leaning agasint on of the many stone walls in the fortress looking out a space that must of been a window gazing apon the fields and in the distance seemed to be a massive wall of fire.

"That is the border to the boiling ocean a massive body of fire and water it is also miles apon miles least it has a bottom unlike the sea of bodies" said a voice startling Frost in the process

She turned around to see the knight demon Mankar walking towards her his armor clinkingand clanging off of him as he confidently walked to her.

"Well..thats a relief" she mused

The knight chuckled "I've heard of a few lost souls that fell into the sea of is an endless abyss with both full corpses and mutilated limbs strung about at random I actually feel pity for them. 500 years ago and still falling never to stop unless by some miracle magic or some other demon finds them" he said

Frost flinched *"damn now I know the best torture method*" she thought

Mankar shrugged and said to Frost overing a hand down to her "come on now its time to see what you can do"he said with Frost grabbing his hand and was pulled up and with that Mankar turned around and began walking down the hallway.

Frost followed and asked "so tell me again what do you teach?" She asked

Mankar replied "physical combat and sword play and close range combat magic..consider yourself lucky Frost roughly ninety-nine percent of demons don't get the luxury of being taught how to fight and start off as a lowly dark soul that can barely even move..I started out that way" he said

Frost pondered the idea of starting out life as a shapeless blob of smoke thst could hardly defend itself and even move going where-ever the wind took you..needless to say she didn't enjoy that idea.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence Frost asked

"How did you come into service with my father?" She asked

He replied instantly "I earned it by fighting with him in battle" he said

Frost nodded and left it at that

After turning a right corner they came to a large circle shapped arena with a few metal gates that probably led to dungeons or stories or something even worse then could never be certian with hell.

Mankar stopped once he had reached the center of the arena and turned to face Frost.

His calm friendly demeanor was gone and he spoke in a no-nonsense voice.

"Welcome to the first day of training kid it's my job to prepare you for battle and just know..I won't go easy on you" he growled and drew his massive sword that glowed with energy

Frost looked at around rapidly she lacked any armor and any physical weapons and he was about twice her size as she stood at about five point six feet tall

"You lack weapons and armor but you are still a threat..." said Mankar getting into a battle position

"A threat how so-?" She asked

Mankar sighed in response

"Your ice magic kid use it!" He replied

She looked down at her hands and envisioned a bolt of ice leaving her hand and firing at Mankar and her thoughts where answered when her palms glowed and fired out a small but high velocity icicle that was razor sharp.

It was a good starting move that Would of been near impossible to dodge and evade due to its sheer speed.

If it had been hit it's target

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