Electrify My Heart

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The next day, Emily had ended not getting any sleep during the night. By the time she'd reached Mammon's room, it was much later than she'd thought. Her interactions with Satan had caused her brain to churn all the while. However, she had discovered a way to make a pact with one of the brothers easily.

Mammon had explained that she could attempt to woo Beelzebub with delicious food. Emily did not like tricking people, for, she felt a horrid guilt afterwards. Plus, she had a feeling that what she was doing... She just didn't feel as though it'd be right to do it to Beelzebub.

Dark circles were beneath the young woman's eyes. She picked through her clothes, the uniform that she was supposedly having to wear looking quite uncomfortable. It was a padded leather with chains and etcetera. In the end she just pulled on her old navy blue jumpsuit from work. She rolled the sleeves up to her elbows and wore her hair slicked back yet again. She grabbed a side bag she'd been provided and headed out of her room.

Her academy schedule was quite interesting. Her first class was Latin. After Latin she'd have a course in The History of Religeon, Death & Taxes, Poisons & Potions, Demonology, How to Torture Basics, Sacrifices & Summonings, and finally she'd have something called Spirit & Soul Assortment.

In her current class of Latin, she took a seat behind a dark skinned young man. He was quite handsome in her opinion. He sat beside a small blonde boy. The blonde boy spoke a bit snippishly. They didn't look like typical demons. Now that she looked at them, she recognized them as angels of of Devilgram. Perhaps she could get along with them.

"Ahem..." She tapped the blonde boys shoulder. He turned, his eyes glaring up at her.

"What do you want?" The young man asked.

"My name's Emily. I'm a human. It's nice to meet you," she held her hand out to the young man and he gave her a look of disgust.

"Don't go around telling people you're a human! What are you? Stupid?! What if someone tried to eat your soul?" He snapped.

"I think she's new," the dark skinned man stated.

"Emily, what are you doing with these angels?" Someone came up, seating themselves next to her. It was Mammon.

"Emily, what a sad name," she heard the dark man mutter.

"What was that?" She asked, tilting her head, legitimately curious as to what he meant.

"I am Simeon, and this is Luke," the dark angel stated, morning to the smaller blonde boy.

"It's nice to meet you two," she gave a small smile.

Mammon spoke up, picking a fight with the two suddenly. Emily rested her head in her hand, leaning on the desk. She let her thoughts wander until her D.D.D. buzzed.

Leviathan: Where are you?

Emily: In class.

Leviathan: Come back to the House of Lamentation.

She sighed. She got up, placing her work on the professor's desk before leaving. In her mind, all she had to do was comply with the brothers requests and she could get this situation over with soon. As she returned to the House, it hit her: She only had four days left if you included the current day.

Her pace quickened and she entered the House, running up to Leviathan's room she stormed in, causing Levi to jump in fright and nearly drop his gaming console.

"Well that was quick!" He exclaimed.

"Levi, make a pact with me," she stated, breathing hard. Man, she was out of shape.

"What? No way. Now come play this game with me," Levi stated.

"You called me out of class for a damn game?!" Emily shouted. Her calm and cool demeanor had dissipated. She turned and opened the door, slamming it shut violently.

She breathed heavily, making her way to her room. She tossed her things inside and clenched her fists. What a goddamn waste of her time! She lifted her arm to throw a punch at the wall, but paused. Her fist dropped and she felt her muscles still tensed up. As if her entire body was just itchy from her rage. There was only one thing to do now: Cook.

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