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(Just saying now, there are going to be spelling errors and shit because I write a lot of these while half asleep, during a slow point while I'm working or late at night. So I'm not sorry if the spelling is shitty.)

♦~ Moirail cuddles

Cronus sighed softly to himself as he walked beside his ancestor to gog knows where. Dualscar had told him he was bringing him along for some kind of "important sea-dweller business" but so far all they had down was go in the ocean for a little while and now they were walking along the beach.
"uh dualscar? can i just ask vwhy ya had to bring me and all? not that im tryin to be rude or anythin im just askin." Cronus finally asked as he looked at him.
Dualscar sighed softly and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
(I'm just using a mixture of Eridan and Cronus's quirk for Dualscar.)
"i brought ya along cause i thought it might be good for ya ta see vwhat i do all the time. you and ya dancestor are the most sissified descendents i havve evwer seen." Dualscar replied with an irriated tone as he looked back at Cronus. "nowv are ya gonna stop yer wwhinin or not?"
"first of all me and eri arent 'sissified." Cronus started and crossed his arms.
"i literally wwatched ya get chased around screamin yer lungs out as highblood's descendent chased ya." Dualscar chuckled.
"and ivwe vwatched you run from highblood! that doesnt count!" Cronus shouted and threw his arms up.
"highblood might actually cull me, his descendent just vwanted to pummel ya." Dualscar replied as he started walking again, motioning for Cronus to do the same.
"you knovw vwhat? vwhatevwr. the point is you do the same thing." Cronus huffed as he followed him.
Dualscar rolled his eyes and sighed. "not the same thin'."
"it is too!" Cronus groaned. "GLO8ES vwhy did i evwen agree ta come vwith ya."
Dualscar scoffed and turned around to glare at Cronus. "then go somewwhere else. ill get more done vwithout a vwriggler followwin me around." He growled before walking off.
Cronus scoffed and yelled, "i am not a vwriggler and youre the one vwho vwanted me to follovw you around!" at the retreating form of his ancestor before shoving his hands in his pockets and stomping off of the beach.

~Time skip brought to you by Kurloz chasing a screaming Cronus~

Cronus tapped his foot as he stood outside his moirial's house with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
Kankri sighed as he opened the door. "Cr9nus, what is s9 imp9rtant that y9u had t9 interrupt my 69nding time with-" He started before being cut off by Karkat rushing past him and out the door.
"I'LL LET YOU AND HIM HANG OUT I'M LEAVING!" Karkat shouted as he absconded.
Kankri sighed again before turning his attention back to his moirail and snatched the cigarette from his mouth. "Cr9nus. D9 y9u kn9w what these d9 t9 y9ur lungs?! Let al9ne the p9tential pe9ple y9u c9uld trigger just 6y sm9king in fr9nt of them!" Kankri huffed as he motioned for Cronus to come in as he walked to the kitchen to throw away the unused cigarette.
"i vwasnt smokin kan." Cronus chuckled as he shut the door and walked through the house to meet Kankri in the living room. "i vwas just chewin on it."
"Then invest in s9me gum if y9u want s9mething t9 chew 9n." Kankri said as he walked into the living room and sat on the couch with Cronus. "N9w, tell me what is wr9ng."
"uh... vwell dualscar had me follovw 'im around today but vwhen i asked him vwhy exactly he vwanted me to come vwith him all he said was because me and eri are sissys and then called me a vwriggler before leavin." Cronus said as he, unknowingly, started to lean closer to Kankri.
"Well Cr9nus may6e y9u asking why he wanted y9u t9 c9me al9ng triggered him 9r made him think y9u didn't want to spend time with him." Kankri responded and looked at the seadweller who had now cuddled up to him and had his arms wrapped around him. "Cr9nus... We've talked a69ut this. 69undaries, remem6er?"
"i knovw kan but cant i please just cuddle my moirail?" Cronus asked softly as he nuzzled his face into Kankri's shoulder.
Kankri sighed. "Fine 6ut I d9 expect y9u t9 at least ask first next time." He said as he situated himself to cuddle Cronus back. "And I h9pe y9u kn9w that this will not 6e an everyday 9ccurrence."
"i knovw." Cronus chuckled softly and pulled Kankri closer to him. "sorry kan."
"It's fine Cr9nus." Kankri replied before the two slowly fell silent and went to sleep.

(Uggghh i know this was kinda garbage but I'm tired and I really don't care that much. This one was based off a roleplay that me and GeneticRecord69 did awhile back, it was better in the roleplay but it's fine.)  (Final word count: 844)

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