We a couple of LA bitches

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Saturday: Day 1 of summer break

Ariana's POV

I woke up at four o'clock in the morning since our flight leaves at six. I wanted to do the last touches of packing, so hence why I got up early. As I was finishing up with my suitcase, I heard my bedroom door open.

I looked up to see Shawn leaning on the door frame looking extremely tired.

"Hey baby" I spoke quietly. He huffed and walked over to my bed. He flopped down onto it and groaned loudly.

"Baby are you packed already" I asked finishing up my packing. He groaned which was muffled by the pillow.

"So I'm taking that as a possible....no" I assumed standing up and getting ready to change. He sat up and he body was slumped over.

"I packed...just that I'm so fucking tired" his voice was raspier than his normal morning voice. Which is understandable since it's four in the morning.

I took off my (well more like Shawn's) dark green Nike hoodie, leaving me in only black VS panties.

"Heyyy that's my hoodie" Shawn said with his voice cracking a little.

"Ahem you mean OUR hoodie" I corrected him. I put on my black Calvin Klein bralette and matching thong.

AN: Calvin Klein and Victoria Secret please sponsor me

I slipped on my red Nike sweatpants, then a white cropped sweatshirt from Nike.

"Why is everything you own literally Nike" Shawn asked looking up at me.

"Bitch I should be asking you the same thing" I said with sass. He began to mock me, so I slapped the back of his head. I put my white NIKE socks on and then my Air Force 1s on.

"Shawn get dressed you aren't going to the airport in just sweatpants" I said crossing my arms.

"I'll go like this" he said standing up.

"You better not because since it's cold outside everyone will see your hard nipples" I added. He throws his head back and groans.

"Ughhh fine" he pouts and walks out of my room.


After he got dressed we met up with the rest of our friends. Noah looked like he has seen better days.

"Noah you good?" I asked while we all walked down the main stairs.

"No I'm tired" he mumbled. He could pass out any minute.

"You can sleep on the way to the airport" I smiled. We arrived to our uber black and we packed everything in the back of the Cadillac Escalade. I was sitting next to Tana and Ashly. We were talking shit and Caleb joined in.

Noah was passed out and Shawn was as well, laying his head on Noah's shoulder. I whispered to everyone about Noah and Shawn. They all tried to hold in a laugh and we all decided to take a pic of the moment.

We arrived at the airport, but Noah and Shawn were still asleep. As in not budging at all.

"HEY IDIOTS WAKE UP" Caleb yelled out. Nothing.

"WE ARE HERE FUCKERS" Ashly yelled out. Nothing.

"ILL KICK BOTH OF YOU IN BALLS IF YOU DONT WAKE THE FUCK UP" Tana yelled. Both of their eyes shot open making us laugh.

"God damn we're awake holy shit" Shawn groaned. We grabbed our stuff and walked into the slightly cold airport. It was quite crowded since it is summer break.

"Can someone grab my hand because I will definitely get lost within this crowd" I said looking at my friends. A large hand grabbed mine. I looked up to see Shawn looking down on his phone. We walked to our gate and sat down next to the big windows to watch the planes.

I felt something heavy on my shoulder, so I looked to see Noah passed out.

"Psst Noah" I whispered. Just a little snore came out. I cupped my hand around my mouth so I couldn't laugh.

"He wasn't kidding when he said he was tired" Shawn said chuckling.

"He got into a fight last night so that's why he's so tired" Caleb said looking over at Noah.

"Who did he get into a fight with" Ashly asked while playing with Tana's hair.

"Jack Bauer and Jack Feller" Caleb said making all of us look at him in shock.

"But like he doesn't have one bruise on him" I said looking down at Noah.

"Mhm Yep but you should've taken a look at the two Jacks they were fucked" Caleb laughed.

"Flight 452 for Los Angeles California is now boarding"

The flight attendant spoke through mic. I shook Noah awake and he groaned. We all got up and started boarding the plane. Lucky us, Tana, Ashly and I got seats with each other.

We sat down in our seats after putting our carry-ons.

"So how long is this flight" Ashly asked.

"It's five hours" Tana respondes as she pulled out her phone.

"Let's take a snap real quick" Tana said smiling. Ashly and I nodded excitedly. We took a pic of us three then Tana captioned it...

"We a couple of LA bitches"

Then posted it on her snap story.

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