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Friday night

Ariana's POV

"Can you hold still" I said to Noah as my hands ran down his back.

"I'm sorry it hurts so bad" he whined. I was massaging the gel onto his back that we got prescribed. He pulled some of the muscles in his back during basketball, so we had to take him to the doctor.

"Well you're gonna have to deal with it until I'm done" I said pushing my thumbs into his shoulder blades.

"Fuck fuck fuck it hurts" he winced. I sighed and continued massaging this oversized child apparently. 

"Noah I'm not even half way done, so either suck it up or I'll stop" I said.

"Fine but it hurts" he groaned.

"Ya no shit honey" I said rolling my eyes. I moved my thumbs down his back in circular motions. He leaned over a little so I can get a better massage in. I moved down the sides of his back and applied more pressure.

"FUCKKKK" he yelled out, slightly scaring me. Shawn and Caleb came running into my room. Let's say the sight seemed bad but it wasn't. Well me being in a red lace bra and a lace thong with Noah completely shirtless on my bed doesn't really help.

Noah lifted his head up to see Shawn and Caleb staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" He asked in slight pain and annoyance.

"Oh nothing but what's going on here" Caleb asked crossing his arms.

"I'm just applying the gel we got for him at the doctors and apparently I got him where it really hurts" I explained.

"But why are you half naked" Shawn asked with annoyance lacing his words.

"Noah barged in here as I was getting dressed that's all" I said shrugging it off.

"Why couldn't you just put a sweatshirt on instead of him seeing you like this" Shawn pushed the conversation further.

"Why do you care" Caleb, Noah, and I said at the same time. Shawn crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"I'm just saying that you two have became unbelievably close since this trip started" Shawn said.

"Again why do you care" Noah asked as he sat up a little.

"Simply asking because I feel like there's something happening between the two of you" Shawn added.

"And that's none of your business" Caleb chimed in. Shawn looked at Caleb then at Noah and I.

"Right" he simply said and then left my room.

"He really doesn't know how to let things slide does he" Noah questioned me.

"Apparently not" I said looking over at Caleb who was giving me the exact same look.

"Weirdo" Caleb and I said rolling our eyes.

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