11. His soft side.

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I grumbled under my breath and climbed out, wincing as I did so. He had already marched forward, somehow knowing that I would follow him. I fell into step a few feet away from him and looked at the house he lived in.

It was beautiful.

The living room was painted in various hues of gold, amber and beige while the floorboards were wooden brown. A small fireplace was set into the corner of the homey room with a couch and beanbag in front of it. A huge Mahogany table sat at the other end of the room, looking out to the ceiling-to-floor window. 

Without waiting for me, Elijah had already started up the winding staircase leading to the second floor. I followed behind him, still looking around the house in awe. The second floor turned out to be a corridor of closed rooms with a fluffy burnt sienna rug carpeting the floor. A huge set of glass-doors lead to what looked like an enormous library, smack in the middle of the corridor.

He stalked over to the second room on the right and walked in, leaving the door open for me. His room greatly clashed with the designing of the rest of the house. Even the architecture was more...modern.

There were two floors to his room, the first floor being the one I was standing on, consisting of a huge TV with consoles strewn over the floor and a black stacked case containing vinyls beside it. In the middle of his room, overlooking another floor-to-ceiling window which continued on to the top floor, was a giant king bed with black covers resembling mine. There were three doors leading away from the room, one that I had walked through and the other two on either sides of the room. The floorboards were a wooden white and the walls were painted in grey with gentle strokes of a darker ash leading up to the black ceiling, giving his room a...dark but entirely Elijah effect. A short winding staircase led to the upper open-air floor which seemed to contain a room that was filled with...musical instruments?

"I thought your home was the one you took me to the other day?" I asked curiously as I swiveled around, taking it all in.

He shook his head, jumping into his bed. "This is home. That was the place my father got me and forced me to stay in."

"Forced you?" I asked, eyebrow raised, still hovering near the door.

"Come here," he ordered instead. He patted the bed next to him and I slowly walked over. As soon as I was within arms' reach, his arm shot out and grabbed me around the waist, tugging me to him. I stifled a gasp of surprise when he laid me down on the bed, over a stack of pillows, stomach down. "Don't move," he warned as he got off the bed and disappeared through one of the doors.

He reappeared after a moment with a bottle of what looked like some kind of cream in his hands. He seated himself back down beside me and moved me forward till my stomach was over the pillows and my butt stood out. Before I could move from the position he had set me in, he raised my skirt causing me to immediately start resisting him.

But all he did was lather the lotion onto my irritable skin. Frozen in surprise, I allowed him to slowly caress and rub the cream onto my backside, soothing the skin under his touch. That weird pleasing sensation shot through me again and my stomach tightened.

He took his time making sure that my sore back was entirely taken care of before handing me a pair of shorts and one of his shirts to change into.

"We are too tired," he elaborated when I just stared at him with a perplexed expression. "Let's get some sleep and then we can move on to the tutoring."

I slowly nodded in reply and took the clothes from him, gazing at him in confusion.

Who was this boy, really?

He showed me to the bathroom and I entered the pristine white and black color-coded marble-floored room, not really focusing on the interior designing. My mind was far too busy for that.

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