Chapter 13

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Authors note:
Wow I haven't written in so long.
I'm going to add another part and see if you guys will still read this story.
Chek out my other story that's where my main focus will be (:

POV Liam
I slowly drift to sleep next to her and when I wake up she is facing me.
Her beautiful face is so calm.. So peaceful as she sleeps and I want to stay in this little bubble forever.
As if she knew I was looking at her she turns so her back is to me and I slowly wrap my arms around her.

POV Drea
I wake up and someone's warm arms are around me. I turn over and see liam.
He is so good looking, but of course I can't think that because of Des.
He slowly opens his eyes. "Goodmorning" he says. God his voice in the morning is so hot.
I squeeze out a small giggle. "Goodmorning."
He then slowly backs away "sorry I was just so cold."
"Oh it's okay," I say scooting closer to him "I'm cold as well."
Then he kisses me. It's a slow long kiss, but it means way more then the kisses we exchanged while playing seven minutes in heaven. He means it this time and I do too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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