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*gasp* an update!

+ . + . +

Surprisingly, that was the greatest tour of Soobin's life.

Not because it was anything extraordinary, no, but considering that the only other tour he'd been on was a school field trip to the most un-interesting museum in the world, this won by a long shot.

He was practically vibrating with excitement the whole time. From the state of the art studios, to the fascinating theatres and never-ending library, Soobin was completely enthralled.

Heck, even the mundane staircases made his heart soar.

By now, the tour had nearly come to a close.
The sun had started to trail away, leaving behind an orange-pink hue on top of the dark blue flowing in.

The students of 'No. 49' followed the two cartoonish seniors through the buildings and grass patches until the group eventually ended up in a large
open grass area, with a makeshift stage at the centre. People were slowly trailing in to fill up the plastic chairs in front of the stage and there was some sort of buzz in the atmosphere. It almost seemed like-

Oh no.

"Wait," Soobin starts, "is this-"

"The Annual Drama Association Student Showcase!", Taehyung shouts, oblivious to Soobin's concern.

"Or TADASS for short.", he adds.

"Why would anyone ever call it that," Lia remarks quietly behind Soobin.

"I know you all are probably exhausted, but trust me, this event will surely boost your morale and it gives you a chance to make some friends!", Jimin says chirpily.

"And after this you'll all be swamped with assignments and evaluations so consider it your last day of freedom!," Taehyung says with a grin before getting elbowed in the stomach by his partner.

The duo give their last comments, tell us where we can find them if needed, and then seem to vanish into thin air.

"Hey Soobin," he turns around on hearing his name, "are you coming to see this?", Lia asks.

Lia, or Jisu as she had mentioned earlier, had been great company. Her amicable demeanour made her comfortable to be around and conversation between them seemed to flow even though they had just met.

"Oh, I'm not sure," he says nervously, "you should go ahead though."

"Do you have any plans for today?", she asks.

"Oh? No, not really..."

"Are you sick?"


"So exhausted that you may collapse?"

"No I'm not bu-"

"Well then, can't you give it a shot? I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you... "

Lia had been nothing short of kind to Soobin throughout the day, so maybe he should?

Dammit. Why do nice people have to be so nice?

"I guess it could be kind of fun-"

"Yay let's go!", Lia says happily as she almost dislocates Soobin's shoulder by dragging him by the arm.

For such a small figure, this girl sure has one hell of a grip.

She leads them towards the array of seats ,opting for one in around the 4th row ; not too far back but not right below the performers' noses either.

As they wait, more people fill up the seats around them and food carts start opening up as well. Lia gets up to go get them some popcorn and ice cream, leaving Soobin to save their seats.

He shifts around in his seat for a while trying to get as comfortable as he could in this rickety plastic chair when he notices a figure out of the corner of his eye attempting to sit on the seat next to him.

"I'm sorry this seat's taken-"

"Choi Soobin, you came!", he turns to find none other than resident loudspeaker Choi Beomgyu.

"To be honest when you told me you'd think about it I kind of assumed that was your polite way of saying no", he says with a small laugh.

I mean, he isn't wrong.

"Well, I'm here now," says Soobin.

According to Beomgyu, both Yeonjun and Taehyun were part of the production so he'd been hanging put with some other friends before finding Soobin. They continue talking until Lia shows up again, handing Soobin his ice cream.

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?" Soobin asks, as he scrambles for his wallet.

"Oh no, it's on me." she says with a smile.

"Come on I can't do tha-"

"Just treat me next time," she says and sits down to eat her popcorn.

Next time?

Beomgyu and Lia get acquainted with each other pretty easily and soon it's Soobin that's left out of the conversation. The sun has completely set by now and suddenly, the stage lights turn on.

The narrator's booming voice nearly causes Soobin to jump when he starts explaining the premise of this parody of Beauty and the Beast.

It's surprisingly more enjoyable than Soobin expected. A few sarcastic remarks and puns here and there, but most importantly, amazing slapstick comedy. A character even completely topples off stage at one point (although in hindsight, he isn't quite sure if that was on purpose).

Soon they arrive at the much awaited, Gaston number, and in comes Yeonjun, dressed in the iconic red coat, ruffled top and quite an atrocious pair of boots. Soobin hates to admit it, but even then he looks irritatingly attractive.

The song has barely even begun when Soobin's phone rings.

Thankfully it was on vibrate, so he was spared from murderous glares of the audience, but it still attracts Beomgyu and Lia's attention.

He looks at the caller ID and excuses himself from the setting. Normally he would have just declined the call and maybe call later if it was important, but he figured it was better to get this one over with. To be honest he'd expected to get this call much earlier.

He lets out a breath before sliding to accept.

"Hey, Sohyun."

"Soobinne! How's my baby brother holding up?"

+ . + . +

a/n: gah i'm such a terrible authour! It's been way too long since i last updated and im sorry to keep you all waiting!
To be honest I'm not very happy with this chapter but it will get better i promise!

How have you all been? I know school is killing me right now.

I'll try to update as soon as i can but until then,

~ your struggling with deadlines noodle authour

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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