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Hinata and I stood on the top of Hokage monument long after the sun had set, till twilight had ceased. During nightfall, as the citylights start glimmering below, the stars twinkled above.

The love of my life's smile is the most radiant thing I've ever witnessed. More than the view before me.

But all this just stays within my head, I'm not sure how will I ever express this to her. I just hope she loves me as much as I do.

"Hinata... " I said as I leaned even closer to her, my lips just above her collarbone. Her skin was tempting, and I am glad that she hasn't pushed me away since the last hour, for I wanted to press even closer.....

Go for it...

My hands over her waist made her turn around in a quick motion, her hair flowing in the evening chill. She yelped but showed no resistance. Her hands fell on my shoulders as she waited, her eyes curious and expectant.

Lean in...

I gave in to the beast's request inside me, closing my eyes. I remember tilting my head then sealing my lips with her's. The contact made torched sparks to my desires, I wanted to give in to these desires. I wanted to make her fall on the ground, get on top of her....


I stopped myself from getting any further and broke the kiss after a few moments. I breathed softly trying to calm myself from all that excitement.

With my forehead against her's I asked her if she was hungry.

"Is there something else you have planed? Or are we going directly to the restaurant?" Her voice unsure but no one can mistake the sultry edge to it.

See..? She is asking for it... Gaki do as you want to. She won't back out.


Fine. Don't listen to me. You are missing a golden chance. With that I felt him going back to his sleep.

"Aren't you hungry..?" I tried to ignore her question. "I'm ready for whatever suits you'ttebayo."

Hinata pressed me to the wall we were leaning on this whole time. Her forehead still on mine's. I saw her smile in the darkness, her eyes illuminating. My face was getting hot and I felt uneasy of being squeezed like this.

"Food sounds good." She whispered, her lips brushing mine as she said it. I was in the dark. Literally. What kind of food are we talking about? Till last week there was only one kind I knew...

But right now, I secretly wanted to eat something else.

To my dismay, she stepped back with a shy, nervous, smile. She looked around, figuring out from where to climb off, of Yondime Hokage's head. I shook my head, easing myself from the excitement and all the extra speed blood took inside me.

"There's only one way of getting out of here." I said, almost successful in getting myself back to normal, chilly night wind helping me out. Hinata nodded in acknowledgement, "The climb isn't easy if you aren't used to it. That's why you wanted to carry me on your back." I nodded, "Jumping down is easier than climbing up. Let alone at night dattebayo." I said as I turned around. "So jump on'ttebayo." I waited and got hot yet again when I felt her soft body pressed on my back. I'll never get used to this.


It took them half the time to return than it took to arrive the Hokage monument. Major reason for this was when momentarily Naruto stood still after climbing up the cliff, Hinata tried getting off him. Instead, he just pushed her upwards on his back whilst jerking quickly, making her bounce, and she was slammed down on his back. She yelped as her fingers clawed at Naruto in fear of falling off. She pouted, while huffing, her face red with embarrassment. Being treated like a doll didn't suit her. "Naruto-kun you should let me off now." She tried reasoning with the knucklehead ninja who just giggled on his trick, "Daijobu, Hinata. I like it when you are on top of me anyways, dattbayo." All Hinata could do then was blush as she continued pouting.

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