Thank you.

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Hi guys, kaydeeoo here!

I recently dropped by my Wattpad account which I didn't really had time to open for a while now. AND OH BOY DO I MISS WRITING!! I also saw the readers count increasing by 200 views in a matter of month. This really encourages me and makes me very happy that people are liking my work. Although the last time I checked I had completed 25 chapters and was almost halfway through the first book. Yet, I have published only 13 of them and I'm sure you noticed LOADS of typos and grammatical mistakes in the chapters. AND YES their will be a sequel. I mean, I have the plot stuck in my mind like concrete, and the only thing left is spilling the shit out on my drafts. The major and the only obstacle between me and completion of this book is that I'm in my final year of school and have my hands more than full now. Sadly, I was one of the many who spent a little time too much doing nothing during quarantine. I really can't afford writing rn. So, maybe around May next year, I will come back again, because there's NO WAY that I'll leave this book hanging. I love naruhina. Bear with me guys, if you find the book worth it, then just archive it (pls). And keep on reading other books, and obviously vote and comment crazy stuff, as I myself am the kind who likes writing shit in the comments for absolutely no reason at all lol. I will most probably finish writing the drafts of this book, then correct the typos out and edit the already published chapters THEN start finalizing the book and publishing it. Sounds good?

My heart legit skipped a beat when I saw my book on #23rd position on naruhina. Tbh, I accidently published the extract before prologue, but I think I'll just leave it right there. (Bonus: I was in washroom when I saw the ranking, and goddamn I don't think I ever pooped that fast in my life. No one else takes phone with them when they shit? Just me?? OKAY ;/) (*questions myself should I publish this bonus or not*) 

ANYWAYS. Please guys VOTE and SHARE my chaps if you think they're worth it. I thank you for reading my book and being patient with me. LOVE YOU <3 


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