Chapter 13

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"It's morning, right?" Jennie asked as she looked at the sunrise and I nodded "And we didn't sleep a wink." She added "Not after hearing those knocks." I replied "Y/N..." She called me and I look at her "What if we try scaring that they can also experience not sleeping for the whole night." She said "That would be too mean..." I replied "Whatever so you're in or not? Cause either way I'm gonna do it." She said and before I can answer someone was behind us.

"You want to scare everyone?" Taehyung asked "T-Taehyung!?" Jennie said surprised "You're up early, Taehyung." I said "What kind of mischief are you up to first thing in the morning?" He said "M-Mischief?" I stuttered "Don't worry though, Count me in!" He said excitedly "Let us work together and scare Jisoo and San-, No how about only Jisoo, let's get Sana in on this." He said with determination "Sana, too?" She asked but it was more like she was against it "She should be familiar with the area." He said and I gotta say he did have a point "But won't Sana refuse?" Jennie asked "Leave it to me, I promise I'll convince her to help." Taehyung said as he left the living room.


I was busy cooking when someone arrived at the kitchen "Morning, Y/N" Jisoo greeted "What are you making?" She asked "Lunches, Since we're spending all day down at the beach." I answered "You mean you woke up early to make breakfast and lunches?" She asked surprised "This won't do! Allow me to assist you." She said "Could you slice the onions then?" I asked "I happily do so." She said while chuckling "What's on the menu then may I ask?" She said "Eggs and Bacon for our breakfast and the stew from the curry yesterday and sandwiches for lunch." I replied "That sounds fantastic!" She said and proceed to cut onions.

I was looking at Jisoo cutting onions "You're good at slicing Jisoo." I said "Weird but I take that as a compliment." She said while giggling "Well, both of my parents work and I used to make lunches when my siblings was home." She said "You have siblings?" I asked "Of course I do dummy." She said while hitting my arm and chuckling "Ow that stings!" She said while cutting the onions "You okay?" I asked "I'm alright, I'm just silly sometimes." She said smiling at me and I was just staring at her "Y/N?" She asked and I didn't notice that I was blushing "I-I need to peel the apples." I said excusing myself to get some apples.

"You're really good at cooking, Y/N." Jisoo said "Last night's curry was superb." She continued "I didn't do anything special." I replied "I think it's wonderful how responsible you are, Our other classmates never get to see this side of you." She said "The lucky girl you will marry someday will be very happy." She said "Jisoo..." I said "Yes, Y/N?" She asked "About yesterday..." I started "That...could you keep it a secret?" She said "I've never talked about that stuff with anyone before but I'm glad it was you, Y/N." Jisoo said "Thank you for spending time with me." She said while smiling.


"The sun is burning bright, alright let's go!" Jisoo said and went to the beach first "Jisoo is always excited..." Jennie said "Now we just have to stick to the plan." Taehyung said "Where's Sana? She's helping out right?" I asked "Yeah, Sana will lead us to a nearby cavern, where we can set up." Taehyung said "So everything's riding on her...why isn't she here?" I said "No idea." Taehyung replied "I'll get her." I said and went back to the house.

I knocked at Sana's room "Sana, you there?" I said "Yes." She replied "We're leaving." I said and no reply "What's taking you so long." I said as I open the see Sana on a bikini and my eyes went wide "Admiring my reflection." She said "Care to join me?" She asked "Seriously..." I said with a disappointment face.

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