Chapter 14

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"Just wait for me, Sana!" I said catching up to her "Are you that worried about getting seperated from the others?" She asked while she continued walking ahead of me "I...I'm just scared to dark places..." I confessed to her "Really? Then what would you do if I ditched you?" Sana stopped walking and look back at me "Scared?" She said in a teasing tone "Worried about getting separated from me?" She continued "Lonely? You want me to stay close to you?" She asked while getting closer to me "H-Hey..." I said as I took a step backwards "Do you want me?" Sana asked again in a teasing tone "Th-This isn't a time for that..." I said while blushing "Why, in a hurry to get back to Jisoo?" She was asking more questions.

"I don't think she's a good match for you." She said "Your perfect match would" She said and was blushing but Sana realized something.

"Wait...Where are we!?" She said in panicked "I think we're lost!" Sana said and was panicking at this moment "Sana...stop messing around already..." I said getting scared "I wouldn't joke about this!" She said loudly and she was crying hiding her face and hugging herself.

I touched her shoulders and cheered her up "It's okay! I'm here to protect you!" I said also panicking "Sorry..." She apologized "There's no need to apologize." I said

"...about that stuff being lost...that was a lie." She said while looking at me...and she wasn't crying at all!

"As if I'd ever get lost, you scaredy boy." She teased while laughing "This isn't the time to be laughing!" I said getting embarrassed "But you were acting like a kid just now." She teased again "Y/N..." She called me "You're pretty lame." She said " Just stop messing around already." I said not listening to her bullshit anymore "But's not a turn-off." She said "You know how I said that you and Jisoo don't make a good match? I mean it..." She continued "Because you're like the moon and she's like the sun, if you get too close you'll get burned." She said "Adoration never leads to a balanced relationship." She said while walking again "What you really someone like me." She said

Someone screamed so loudly that we were able to hear it "That was..." Sana said "Jisoo's voice!" I said and we went back running to them.

I was running faster than Sana "Wait! Y/N!" She said

she almost fell down because her feet slipped on some rocks but I was able to catch her avoiding her to fall down "Sorry...I-" I said "It's okay let's hurry back to them." She said and she stood up straight and we went running again.

"Jennie! Jisoo! Taehyung!" I screamed their names "Y/N!" I heard Jennie's scream.

Jennie and Taehyung were there but Jisoo wasn't "Hey where's Jisoo!?" I asked "What happened?" Sana also asked "Well..." Taehyung started "Jisoo was taken by something..." He continued "Taken by what?" I asked "I don't know but there's something here." He answered

His flashlight then went dead " flashlight's dead, Y/N can I borrow yours?" He asked and I nodded

There was a hissing voice and our eyes went wide "What's this sound? A voice?" Sana asked legitimately getting scared "Jisoo! I'm coming!" Taehyung said and went ahead and left us.

Taehyung also screamed right after but he was so far away now that we can't see him.

Coincidentally Sana and Jennie's flashlight went dead too.

"Tae!" I shouted
"Taehyung!" Jennie shouted
"Wh-What's going on!?" Sana shouted

We were left in complete darkness so all 3 of us are terrified at this moment.

"Don't stray too far! Try to stay calm!" I said warning the girls "I don't care anymore, if that's what you want then bring it on!" Jennie said while running ahead in complete darkness

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