Newt TST

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"And you girls will be in a seperate room", our rescuers told us."Ok", we all say."Well goodnight Jacey", Teresa says.Teresa is your best friend after all I helped her trigger the Ending that and she's my sister. About three a.m. people in big white suits came into our room.They walked closer and closer and closer until they were right next to us."NEWT", I screamed but he was nowhere even close to this room.I knew Teresa was probably screaming in Thomas's mind.I would scream into Newt's mind but I knew Thomas would save us. He never came.Thomas never came to save us.

Newt's POV

"Come on let's go wake the girls up", Thomas begs."Ok Tommy", I say.  We walk to their room and there are two signs one says - Teresa Agnes , Group , Subject A-1 , The Betrayer

the other one says - Jacey Agnes , Group A , Subject A-3 , The Broken Betrayer."What the shuck", I say. We walk into the room and see a boy walk out of the bathroom. "Who are you and where are Jacey and Teresa?", Thomas says. I'm in defensive mode automatically when I see that Jacey is not there."No, no, no, no, no, no this can't be happening, this can't be happening", I say over and over.

*Skip to the Scorch and the BETRAYAL*

Jacey's POV

I do not want to betray Newt or the Gladers. I have cried and cried and cried maybe that's why they called me the broken betrayer. Because I'm broken and I'm betraying my best friends.  Oh well I need to get out of my thoughts because there are the boys. "Jacey", I hear a few boys say. In your face Teresa half of the Gladers hate you but they like me. But their gonna hate her more after this. Wait, I'm the bait which means Teresa is going to attempt to kill me.

"Crap what if you don't make it", my conscience says. "Shut up conscience", I think. We get up to the boys and I am tied up like the girls were ordered and a rag put in my mouth. The rope around was so tight that it split my lip and I could feel blood running down my face. "Hello boys. I have a proposition give us Thomas otherwise there will be consequences", Teresa says.  "What happens if we don't? ",Minho yells. "I will hurt someone close to you bring them up", Teresa yells. I get my arms grabbed and was told to walk foward near the boys. I walk forward well technically I was being shoved.  I try to talk but the rag is to tight and I don't want to bleed more than I have to, so instead I force tears into my eyes as I look at Newt and Minho. I could tell that their hearts probably shattered when the looked at me.  Blood pouring from my lip , my wrists looking as if they are about to burst , and my eyes they are both black because I stepped out of line earlier.  "Jacey", I heard Newt whisper. "It's a trade you give us Thomas we don't hurt Jacey anymore and you get her", Teresa yells. "Ok we'll do it (I know they hesitate at first but go with it) ", Minho whispers.  "What?", Teresa says trying to intimidate them. "I said we'll shucking do it slinthead",Minho growls. "Here ", she says and shoves me over to them.  Newt catches me and starts unting the knots to get the ropes off. He gets them off my wrists and mouth ; he then yells for some bandage and some towels. I throw myself into his arms and I hug him he just hugs back while stroking my long wavy black hair. Minho comes over and the Runner picks me up like I'm a little kid. "Hey I might be short and very light but that doesn't mean you can do that", I say. "Yeah it does", he says and he throws me. I go sailing through the air when I come down I land safety in Newt's arms. "Hey Newtie cutie", I say before I kiss him. "Awww Jacey-wacey and Newtie - cutie have a crush on each other", Minho says.  "Shuck it shuck-face", I say with a lot of sarcasm.  "Haha but that was the Jacey I know", Minho says. "I love you Jacey", Newt whispers before dipping me back. "You Newt", I say as he brings me back up.

***Author's Note***

Another imagine do you guys like because if you do there's a button that says vote on it. The first chapter of Leaders is up I might change the title. We Remember is about to have it's second chapter and I'm working on The Only One. . . .In the song Starships it sounds like the guy in the background in saying Poke, Poke, Poke, Poke, Poke.  Awwkward. So today I got asked out by a boy who has dated my best friend twice or three times right @book_addict_forever Luke has dated Kimberly twice or three times. Book_addict_forever is not Kimberly she's Mackenzie aka one of the main characters in We Remember.  I messed something up the girl I want you to follow is Izzy_thatrunner I got her username wrong. *look of apology* #Newtincident has me crying every time I read it. I just realized I forgot about my homework completely.  I'm going to write when I wrote this k- January 12 @ 10:50 PM that's not when I published this ik but wc. Should I write down when I wrote my imagines more often. When I get requests I will update !!!

Thanks for reading!

Remember to
Ily shanks!!!


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