-I awoke in bed by not an alarm, but a text...
-Who the heck has the balls to text me on a weekend?!
*The text reads*
Sayuri: Hey! Where are you?! We're all here now!
-Oh yeah... I joined a club... And I have to come in on weekends to help set up the club.
In the last chapter, Akari didn't just join club, she became the vice-president of the club next to Amari. Why didn't Kana become vice? Well, because Yes. Shut up, I don't have to explain myself to you!
Akari: I'm on my way!
"Alright...Time to shower." I said reluctantly and dragged myself out of bed.
"Oh Akari! You're up early!" The well dressed Haruka said.
-Wait, well dressed?
-Haruka seems to be with a guy.
-Wait... Not just any guy...
-It's A-kun!
"Wait what? Huh?" I confusingly said.
"Oh, me and A-kun are gonna get some food, you want me to get you some too?" Haruka asked.
-I feel something mischievous happening...
"Ehm... No I'm fine. Enjoy your date ;)" I winked at her.
"I-It's not a date!" Haruka blushed and slammed the door.
-That was a weirdly cute moment.
Akari, please don't bend that way. It would ruin my plans for you.
-Wait what?
Moving on, aren't you late for weekend club activities?
-No... This "plan" conversation isn't over!
-I hurriedly left my house and rushed to the bus station.
"Wait! Please wait!" I said to the bus that was idling in front of the stop.
-I ended up making it to school 10 minutes late. But Why did I go here anyway?
"Hey! Akari! Over here!" Amari-san signaled.
-Oh yeah...
"You sure are late! So much for being the vice president! You should be more punctual!" Sayuri-san scolded me.
"I'm really sorry! I got held up by traffic."
I made up an excuse because it's way easier than telling them I overslept."Well that can't be helped. I get stuck waiting for a bus all the time!" Amari-san said.
"Anyways, we have a bigger problem you guys!" Sayuri-san shouted.
"Generally, when a normal person thinks about an anime club, they usually think that the club is filled with weirdos! We have to fix our self image!"
Sayuri-san shouted."I have an idea!" Amari-san exclaimed.
"Aiko-sensei said that there's going to be a festival and all the clubs can participate to try to recruit new members!" Amari-san followed up.
"What are we even going to do?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?! We're gonna show everyone what anime is all about!"
-I have a bad feeling about this...
Awww mannnnn! A festival arc here we go!
Stay tuned nerds! Hahaha!
Sorry for the delay for the chapter.
I made yt channel. Nyehehehehe!
It's just with a bunch of friends. So if you're wondering why I'm so inactive... Because yes.

Inexperienced Lovers!
Humor"Ok this is just the worst thing to ever do as a write- Hey! What are you doing?!" - Sorry about that... That was one of our main characters. It seems she stumbled on to here by accident. Well this is the story of Akari Fujita! An average student at...