"Hey, Akari... I have to tell you something."
Haruka looked at me"Yeah what's up?"
- Is this what I think it is? A confession?!
You're overthinking this.
"I actually... Ehm..."
Wait... This is actually...
- See! I told you!
This wasn't planned at all!
"Do you.."
"...think anyone of the boys we met liked me?"
- This bitc—
HAHAHAHAHA! I knew it! You're just delusional!
"I don't actually know... Hahahaha!"
I broke down laughing because my imagination got the best of me."Hey! Why are you laughing?! I'm being serious here!" Haruka said and pouted.
-This girl is actually so adorable! Hahaha!
Sigh... It sure is nice being young and craving for love.
- Wait, Narrator, how old are you?
Who knows? I'll give you a hint. Same age as our author ;).
-So you're mentally 5?
NO! Of course I'm not! Enough about my age.
Let's just continue the story... This segment isn't that related to the story. It's just a short interaction between our characters!
-Couldn't think of anything to write eh?
Shut up!
Sigh... Well! Stay tuned for the next chapter Reader-san!

Inexperienced Lovers!
Humor"Ok this is just the worst thing to ever do as a write- Hey! What are you doing?!" - Sorry about that... That was one of our main characters. It seems she stumbled on to here by accident. Well this is the story of Akari Fujita! An average student at...