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Author's note:
So, I am here with the next part buddies. Hope you all are safe and keep reading my story. Don't forget to vote and comment. It would mean a lot. And a news to you all, Scarlet Red will be updated once in two days from now on


Ugh! My head is breaking already. Why is it paining so much? I regret drinking now. I want to separate my head with my body. Will it be possible? No. What should I do? Ahh! My head is spinning even faster than a Ferris wheel. I feel like throwing up now.

I immediately rushed to the restroom and threw up. And I could feel the intense pain, I just want someone to pat my back and sadly there is none. I never had such a belligerent hangover. My eyes started tearing up at the intense pain. Why should it be like this?

I just want to cut my hair for being an obstacle in situations like this but I just got so much habituated to it that it is impossible to imagine myself without that. I washed myself quickly and rushed to the kitchen to make myself a ginger lemon tea.

Sipping the hot drink helped me reduce the pain and made me so much better. I just felt like hitting myself with the hardest thing possible. As I looked at my phone, it showed the time. 6:30 AM. I just hate waking up so early but I am so used to it now that I wake up instinctively.

As I went back to my bedroom, I saw something on my table.

Do you have the habit of doing the most stupid things while you were drunk? Will I get a tip for carrying you home every day?

-The Sweet Bartender

Aish! This guy. So, I was carried home by him again. I smiled to myself remembering his nervous face when I caught him with his fake id. I wonder why he is dropping me home when he doesn't even know me.

He could have left me outside just like any other worker but he didn't. Good guys, I sighed to myself. And wait! Did he mention stupid things? What did I even do now? Fuck, I just hate it that I don't remember anything when I am drunk.

How will I face him now? What if I did something really embarrassing? Did I fart or something? Or did I puke on him? There is even a higher possibility of pulling out his hair or knocking down his ass.

I brushed my teeth and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I could portray myself as the biggest failure that the earth has ever given birth to. How come I be as drunk as skunk?

I washed my hairs and my body which is reeking of alcohol and the vomit. I should quit drinking now. Wait! What did I say? I am sorry. I am not in my right mind now. I am taking back my words. It's never gonna happen.

I came out and rushed to kitchen to make myself something edible. My stomach is so empty after that long puking. Bread toast and eggs. I can't cook well, so I could just rely on these. I am still in my camisole and shorts. I just feel so comfortable in these.

Did I mention that dad had bought me a bicycle to use, but hell no. I am not going to use that. I prefer walking instead.

I switched off the television and started to get ready for my school. My hair strands are still wet. I don't care about that now. I am too lazy to dry them up. They will eventually get dried by themselves.

I picked up my bag and started walking. I will never be late to the school with this waking habit. Guess what! I stepped into the good girl's list. Is this the start of a new life?

Scarlet Red |PJM| 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now