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Author's note:
Thanks to all the readers for giving this story a chance. Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!!!


Another pang of headache. Will I ever wake up normally? I rushed to the bathroom feeling the urge of puking. I just hate this, it really pains a lot. It feels like as if my head is breaking into pieces. I got hold of my hair and threw up in the commode.

I rinsed my mouth and washed my face. Rushing to the kitchen, I started making tea. My eyes were tearing up with the intense pain. Why do I drink this much? I held my head strongly with my hands and looked up.

I sipped the tea and it made me sigh in relief. This is really becoming worse day by day. Should I buy hangover drinks from now on? I want someone to make hot soup for me. Aish! I hate myself for living like this.

We never really cared about you

At least now you are put to use, so just shut up and do what we told you to

I remember their words and clenched my fists in anger. The thought of them makes me feel disgusted. How am I even born to them? Such sickening parents they are. I switched on some music and started dancing, trying to divert my mind. People would call my dance crazy though.

And then I remembered, I am having school and rushed to the bathroom to bath. Washing my hair is the longest part in the bath. I quickly dried myself and wore my school uniform and then I noticed the note on my table

You seem so different at times, you know? And yeah, you even called me handsome tonight. Please, don't drink too much, it affects your health. See you in school

- The Handsome Bartender.

I smiled to myself reading the note. So does he claim himself handsome today? He seemed to be concerned about me. It's rare to see such people in this world. This guy is surely different.

I checked if my hair got dried or not. I already had a throbbing head ache and I don't want another one because of these wet strands. I used the drier for the first time till now and gladly my
hair got dried up quickly.

I remember dad warning me not to use the drier much as it would spoil my hair. Being an obedient child, I used it only once till now. Just kidding, obedience and me are no match. I just don't want another excruciating headache, that's all.

I let my hair loose and picked up the bag heading towards the school. My waking habits are best for any good student but not for me. I just hate them.

Like the usual, I entered the empty classroom and lay on my bench, for a small nap. And then my stomach growled. Wait! Did I forget eating my breakfast? Shit! What do I do? I can't wait until lunch. I frowned at the thought and rested my head on the desk.

But my empty stomach is not allowing me to sleep. I feel so hungry now. How could I forget to eat my breakfast? In the first case, I didn't even prepare it. Ugh! I can't tolerate this anymore. I just held my head in frustration.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?", a voice broke my thoughts and I shook my head in negation.

"No, I am not", I answered not looking at him.

"Are you having a headache? Shall I take you to the infirmary?", he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I am feeling hungry", I held my stomach and frowned. To my surprise, he first looked at me in surprise and then he started laughing. What the hell! Hey idiot! I am seriously hungry and here you are, laughing like a monkey.

Scarlet Red |PJM| 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now