Month One, Done

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Chapter 9: Month One, Done.

Here I am, standing backstage at the first concert of the tour. Pretty funny how life works. One moment you feel like everyone is after you, and then the next you’re a part of a new family. its been one whole month of preparing for the show. Not only were the boys working their asses off but I was too. Ever since my photo shoot with London Modeling Agency I’ve been booking a ton of jobs modeling. The other day i was reading a magazine and I came across an intriguing article about, well, me. It was titled “Mother Daughter Rivalry: The Kerr family” apparently my mom didn't book a job because they wanted me, not my mom. I’m not sure whether to to be flattered or annoyed. But my first month here wasn’t just about work, I also am one month clean of drugs, which the boys are ecstatic about. I’ve gained six pounds, Niall helped me a lot.

In my spare time when the boys were working I either did school work or sang. Yes Avalon Kerr, doing school work?! Sounds crazy and unlikely but my teachers discovered I have a special liking for math. Also singing, something I’ve done just for fun when I was younger. Last week I was singing, and thought I was alone, but Zayn was sick so he stayed on the bus. When I was in the kitchen making my breakfast he walked out and scared the living shit outta while saying “Why don’t you sing?”. Now things have been pretty awkward between Zayn and I since the LMA (London modeling agency) shoot, so I stood there like a deer caught in headlights. He then goes on “I know what I did at that shoot made you feel uncomfortable, but I just, I knew you were in a weird state since it was only your second day with us and how this is a whole new lifestyle for you. I wanted you to know that you’re like a sister to me and I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Shit. Shit. Shit! why is every guy in England so nice? even though I’ve mostly become a new person I still have my tough exterior. How am I supposed to respond to that?! The only person I have a strong bond with is Anthony. “I’m sorry I’ve shut you out, i just didn’t know what to do-” I was saying when he cut me off “You don't need to know what to do, life doesn't come with a handbook. We all have our rough patches but we just need to get through them.” and with that I squished him into a bone crushing hug.

Now that Zayn told the boys I can sing they’ve been pressing me nonstop to sing. The only times I’ve sang in front of them all was at night we would go on the top of the bus, Niall would bring his guitar, and we would have a jam session. The first song I sang for them was actually kind of a joke, but I sang Cups (You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.) They were amazed how someone could make music with a cup. They have been begging me to preform at their concert but I just say “I like to be on the sidelines for once.” 

Right now it’s 12:31 am and I’m lying in my bed, writing in my journal what had happened the past month. I was supposed to be inside the concert hall and hour ago but I said I was tired, which wasn’t a lie. 

“Avalon?” I hear someone say waling into the bus. Liam.

“Yeah?” I really should get out of bed now huh?

“I was wondering if you would want to go out to lunch with me? The boys wanted you to go with them but I uh, wanted to talk to you.”  He said walking into the bed portion of the bus.

“Okay, let me get dressed first.” I replied smiling. Liam and I have this special bond. We both know we have special feelings for each other but we keep waiting for the other to make the first move. 

As I’m looking for an outfit to wear I notice something very strange in my luggage. A note. Who left a note in my suitcase, I’m clueless but as I unfold it I get even more petrified. Next thing I know I’m on the floor shaking and screaming. 

“Avalon! are you okay?!” I hear Liam’s panicked voice yell, He finds me on the floor with the note in my hand. He picks it up and reads it. Next thing I know he’s dialing the police.


What do you think the note says?

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