Chapter One - The Aftermath of Trial 1

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                 Kyoko Kirigiri, who had just witnessed the most disturbing series of deaths she had the capacity to remember, had collapsed into an armchair after nearly sprinting back to her room in utter speechlessness. While she didn't quite regard herself to be very sensitive to violence, the sheer thought of being pelted by baseballs to your demise all in the account of a little cackling robot-bear is surely enough to make anyone a bit uneasy. And that was an understatement.

                 But, while everyone was in the assumption that after this murder trial there would be no more deaths of students, Kyoko predicted otherwise. She knew that the motives given by Monokuma would only increase with intensity and while she was certain that her priorities were in order, she couldn't say much for some of the other students here.

                On top of everything, she guessed that maybe she should also introduce the elephant in the room and address the fact that she also has no recollection of her entire past up to this point.

                 Usually, any average person after they lost their memories would be so shocked that they probably wouldn't be able to mentally function but for some strange reason that wasn't the case for her. She seemed to hold this innate logical and collected mindset that she immediately assumed came from the mystery of an ultimate talent. She tried to guess for a while on what it would be just using the evidence she found in her instinctual thought processes but any guess she made didn't really ring true for her. Some of the talents she considered were the ultimate doctor (due to her desensitization from gore), or even ultimate lawyer (regarding her logical psyche). But even so, these talents didn't truly feel "correct" to her. She had the feeling that she would just have that "knowing feeling" once she discovered it. She hoped that maybe all of her memories would just come flooding back to her; while that may be more than unlikely.

               Soon enough, she felt mentally processed enough to leave her room and possibly start investigating the school a bit more. It was announced by Naegi and a couple of others that a gate to one of the staircases of the building was lifted open. They said it could provide a possible escape route but she was in high denial of that being true. Nonetheless, she discerned that there may be at least something up there to help the situation a bit more.

              She left her room to find the stairs and make her way near the group of chattering girls near what seemed to be a workout room from what she could see through the open door. She stayed a bit of a way away to avoid having to actually talk to them but still listened in on their conversation.

"Oh my gosh! No way this is absolutely awesome!! There's a pool back here too!!"

               Hina seemed to be raving about the fact that there were a workout room and swimming pool. Kyoko thought that it was a bit strange to find someone excited over a room in which has the overall purpose of acting as an asset to kill. She started to visualize all the possible ways a murder could occur while using that room, a forced drowning attack was one of them. She just could not empathize with Hina's excitement.

"Ha- yeah and there are some really nice quality weights over in the corner too," Sakura mentioned. "I could definitely use those to my advantage."

                ...Advantage? There's no way she really meant it in that way, Kyoko thought. She must have only been a bit paranoid after the last trial.

"Oh... wow. You guys are so strong and confident in yourselves. I wish that I could be like that someday." Chihiro's small voice pried its way into the conversation. "But I doubt I'll ever be good enough... haha" She looked down at her feet with sad eyes.

"What are you talkin' about Chihiro? You could totally be strong too! Anybody can as long as you put your mind to it!" Hina said in her bright tone. "We can help you too. You got this!"

               The door next to them that led into the men's side of the workout room then swung open and a silhouette of very long and... horizontal... hair appeared. It was Mondo.

"Mondo! Will you help us train Chihiro too? She wants to be big and strong like us!" Hina exclaimed while taking Mondo's big arm and dragging him over to Chihiro.

"Oh, uh yeah sure." Mondo tugged on his long trench coat collar fixing it to stay upright. "Sounds cool."

"Wow... thanks, you guys." Chihiro gave a gentle smile. "I've never heard such nice things before."

                 It was definitely something of a strange sight. The three big and strong athletes next to the scrawny Chihiro seemed equivalent to something of a frail baby bird surrounded by huge elephants. They could've crushed her if they wanted to.  But mostly, Kyoko felt strange about them making such trivial plans instead of focusing on a way to escape this place. They don't have time to mess around. Of course, she didn't confront them about this either.

               She continued down the hall and found two large double doors with a sign above it that stated, "Library" in printed black words. Library? This could be a very useful place to search for. She thought. And with a swing, opened the heavy double doors to reveal a somewhat medium-sized room with bookshelves lining the walls, a couch with two chairs on each side, and a coffee table positioned in the middle. To the far left of the room lay another door with a sign that was labeled "Archive". That especially piqued her interest leading her to believe that it may have held information related to the past of Hope's Peak and then, of course, her own past as well. Without another thought, she made her way to the door and opened it.

              Inside it was definitely smaller and instead of books, the shelves were lined with boxed of files labeled different things. And in the middle sat a figure surrounded by scattered papers and boxes. It almost made her jump a bit at first, not expecting to see someone else in the room.
They were sifting through a folder and it seemed as if they were looking for something very specific. Occasionally they would mutter a low "no" or "that's not it" after scanning a document. Then, noticing that someone else was in the room with them, they turned their head to meet Kyoko's.

"...Hello, Togami."

After giving her barley a moment of acknowledgment, he turned to face his papers again, resuming his search.

"Do you need something, Kirigiri?"


-To be continued-

(art by Kxxxaiy on twitter)

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