Chapter Three - Stubborn

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               After Kyoko slid out of bed and got herself ready, she made her way the daily meeting place in the cafeteria where they would discuss plans of possible escape.

              She pondered for a bit about yesterday's encounter at the library, and she couldn't place her finger on it exactly but, Byakuya seemed strange that day. Not that she knows him well enough to discern "normal-Byakuya" to "offbeat-Byakuya" but she still got the sense that his aloofness was more forceful that day. Then she wondered the cause of that behavior. Could it have been something she'd done?

              She pushed that thought away though, in an attempt to fully regain focus to the most important subject currently, which was to find clues for a way out of this school.

              When she arrived at the cafeteria, she noticed that everybody was already there sitting together at the large table in the middle. She had been a bit late, but still just took a chair near the edge of the table next to Celeste, where she would be able to hear the conversation.

"Has anyone checked the bathrooms yet?" Makoto asked.

              Most people shook their heads.

"I REPORT THE MAJORITY ANSWER TO BE NO" Taka stood up from his seat from the head of the table in a sudden motion and stood with his legs and arms held tightly to his body in a stiff position. His voice echoed throughout the room.

"Uhm... yeah. Thank you, Ishimaru" Makoto replied awkwardly. "What about the library? Has anyone checked out that area thoroughly yet?"

             Kyoko raised her hand.

 "I have," she said.

"Oh great! I think I also saw Togami in there yesterday as well." He looked around at the table. "Speaking of which, where... where is he anyway?"

             Kyoko hadn't even noticed till now. He wasn't at the table like he was supposed to be.

"Miss Fukawa isn't present either," Celeste added.

"I WILL FIND THEM BOTH AND TELL THEM TO REPORT TO THE CAFETERIA IMMEDIATELY," Taka announced as he forcefully walked across the room to the doors.

"Well, wait Ishimaru. I don't think its really worth our time to even try and go find them." Makoto stood up from his seat as well. "We're already almost done with our morning report and I don't think they would even listen to you to be completely honest. They're kind of both... well they're just-"

"-Stubborn" Celeste finished.

"Yeah... I guess I'm trying to say that I don't think we should waste our time trying to do something we know won't be able to happen."

             Taka huffed for a moment, then took his seat again.

             The meeting ended shortly after that and Kyoko decided that probably the most useful place to spend her time in again would be the library, where she would be able to do some more research through the endless amount of files. So, once she went to her room to pick up the stack of folders she pulled yesterday, she made her way over.

              She knew that she would find Byakuya there once again. But truly, she didn't mind that much. Despite his occasional rude remarks, it was somewhat comforting to have the company of another person around. It felt it made her feel a little less isolated to herself. Especially since her memory loss has sent her into predictably one of the most lonely times in her life. Not that she could really remember having company to begin with, but she assumed that since amnesia practically means forgetting any relationship you've ever had in your life, it would be quite hard to top.

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