What is love to you?(Q & A)

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"A bondage"
"Love is selfless, appreciative, understanding, a choice."
"Love is an enacted emotion."
"A connection with blessings"
"Love is affection kindness goodness etc--i.e everything"
"It's a strong feeling (positive) towards someone or something"
"Love is Everything. Everything."
"Love is absolutely life!"
"Love is an answer to all life's problems"
"A special feeling towards someone that blinds one from noticing the flaws of another person"
"Love is kind and patient, love is not jealous, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interest, love does not keep account of the injury."
"Having feelings for someone. Most times the opposite sex."
"love is just a feeling of utmost happiness you know... excitedness ...cringeworthy"
"Love is for matured people. It is something a person may not be able to express. Though, as i said earlier, matured people things but people who don't understand it will definitely fall into lust not love. Let me stop there for now"
"Adrenaline, pills and pain"
"Love to me can not be described with mere words. It is such a beautiful and wonderful feeling that words cannot just grab. Love to me, is selflessness, it is a non dependent feeling that binds souls together. It is an overwhelming one."

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