Chapter 13

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Y/N: Another day of school but it's the same damn thing!

You sat down in your chair with an open book laying down on your face. You lean your chair back and relax while being against the wall.

Kiba: You seem the same as usual.

Y/N: What do you want this time, Kiba?

Kibs: Rias would like to have a word with you.

Y/N MIND: That's like the third time this month. What could she possibly want this time?

Class went on and you quickly ran to the ORC building and opened the door.

Y/N: Alright, Rias! What do you want now?

Rias: Calm down, I have an invitation.

Y/N: Invitation to what?

Rias: You know that summer break is almost here. I'm taking my peerage down to the underworld so they could get some training in. Would you and your brother like to join us?

Y/N was thinking about how much time they could get for their training, but you felt like you would get better training in on your own.

Y/N: Good offer, but I'll decline. 

Rias: Why is that?

Y/N: Don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like I would be better off training with strong opponents.

Issei: What do you mean by "strong" opponents?! I'm strong!

Y/N: I beat you in the first fight we had. And my ki blade sliced through that dragon armour of yours.

Issei: It's different this time. I've gotten stronger!

Y/N: You have gotten stronger, but I don't feel the challenge from you. Later.

You leave and continue the day like normal. You ride your skateboard back home and as you entered, you feel a different presence. You walk in and see that man with the tall white hair eating with your mom and dad.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Whis: I came to talk to you, but you weren't here, so your parents said I could stay until you came back.

Y/N: Other than that. Why are you here?

Whis: You saw the difference in strength between you and lord Beerus. If you would like I can train you to match his level.

Y/N: Wait are you saying that you're willing to train me in order to become a match for him?

Whis: That's pretty much it. Your brother's already on board with the plan.

Y/N: Of course you would go to him first, but whatever, can we start now?

Whis: If your in that much of a hurry, we can go to Lord Beerus's world. B/N has been there for a while now.

Y/N: How long has he been there?

Whis: About two weeks now.

Y/N: Two weeks? We need to get there now!

Whis: Very well.

Bardock: Hold it. I'm going to!

Y/N: Really, Dad? Why?

Bardock: I'm going for the same reason as you. I want to get stronger. Your mother wants to leave her fighting life behind, and I want the power necessary to protect this family!

Y/N: I don't think you can super saiyan though. Can you even go super?

You see a golden aura light up around your father and you see light blue eyes and golden hair.

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