a johnlock oneshot

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AN: there is a little voice in johns head in this fic, so just to let you know he's not crazy, I just wanted the whole 'inner battle' thing to be a little more literal. Also I figured thats what the fandom would say to John if we could get in his mind ;D

John's POV

John hurried along the wet street, cursing as his shoes got progressively more soaked. He had just gone to get bagels for Sherlock and himself; they were doing research for a particularly difficult case involving a man, a goat, and a serial killer. Needless to say Sherlock was incredibly excited, he had been making comments like "it's Christmas!" And "But don't you see John? It's so obvious!" All afternoon. It was apparently so interesting a case he had to use three nicotine patches.

John had to admit, even though it was annoying to be completely confused by a case while Sherlock clearly had it almost figured out, it made him so happy to see Sherlock jumping around the flat again. His smile was bigger and brighter then it had been in far to long, and his violin hadn't been put down all day. He's like a little kid in a candy store, it's adorable. Thought John with a smile, I wish he could be this happy all the time. It took him a moment to realize he had called Sherlock adorable, but he was quickly distracted by a particularly deep puddle that left his sock soaked with rainwater. "Shit!" he said aloud, getting a couple strange looks from passerby.

He continued along the street, the paper bag filled with two warm bagels clutched in his fist. It was crisp and clear out, the wonderful scent of last nights rain hanging in the air. The lazy afternoon light filtered beautifully through the autumn leaves of a couple small trees lining the sidewalk, onto the reflective puddles covering the pavement.

John quickened his pace, not wanting to miss a minute in Sherlock's presence. Before long he had reached Baker Street, and was unlocking the door of their small flat at 221B.

When he reached the living room he was disappointed to see that Sherlock had his hands under his chin in a neat A shape, one leg crossed over his other knee at the ankle. He was sitting in his black chair facing away from the large window. The light illuminated his porcelain-pale skin and curly raven hair perfectly. He looked ethereal. Damn, John thought, He's obviously in his mind place, I'd better not disturb him.

Still, he continued to himself I've always wondered what it would take to wake him up when he's like this.
He put the bagels on the cluttered wooden table and walked over to Sherlock's chair. Crouching next to him, he studied his pale face. The ebony hair curling around his incredibly sharp cheekbones, long, dark eyelashes brushing his ivory skin, hiding the amazing ice blue/mint green eyes beneath.


The thought rang like a bell in his mind, although he quickly squashed it. That's not the kind of thing friends think about each other, and that's not how I think about him. He was firm with himself. No. Not now, not ever. He made it pretty clear when I met him that he wasn't interested in anyone. Certainly not me anyway. But still the nagging voice in the back of his mind, but you never know, and he did sort of say he was gay, or at least bi!

He pushed it down, trying not to think about how often he'd been doing that recently.


The nagging voice again: You might be.

That's stupid, I'm with a different girl almost every week!

Yes exactly. You stay with Sherlock, your loyal to him. That's a big part of real relationships isn't it?

I hate that you actually make sense you stupid little voice.

I hate that you won't admit that you are completely and totally head over heels in lo-

John silence the voice with a single thought and continued staring at Sherlock. A mischievous grin broke out on his face. I should try a little experiment of my own. What will it take to get him out of his mind palace?

He reached out a finger and poked Sherlock's cheek, withdrawing his hand quickly.

He didn't seem to react.

He did it again, once, twice. His skin was surprisingly warm and soft for something that looked so pale and cold.

Still no reaction.

Hmm, John thought, Maybe . . . Something harder?

He tried punching him in the shoulder, then the stomach.


Admittedly he hadn't done it hard, he didn't want to hurt him after all. They were friends, friends only punched each other when it was really deserved.

Acting on a crazy impulse, John leaned forward and kissed Sherlock on the cheek.

Not a single movement from the consulting detective.

Johns face burned. Well if that doesn't wake him up nothing will, he thought, actually thanking his lucky stars Sherlock hadn't been awoken that time.

John stopped his weird experiment for that day, instead eating his bagel by himself till Sherlock woke up an hour later (thank god, it had taken that long for Johns face to go back to its usual color) with a cry of "It was the circus clown!"


Over the course of the next couple weeks, John continued his experiment whenever Sherlock went into his mind palace. Which seemed to happen a lot considering they only had one case, (Sherlock did say something vague about cleaning it out) but John wasn't complaining.

He got braver, kissing Sherlock on the cheeks, the nose and even the forehead once or twice. One time he bit his ear.

He never got a reaction, not once.

One day, in a burst of crazy, he kissed him on the mouth.

And Sherlock kissed back.

Crap, John thought, he woke up.

That was his last coherent thought as he melted into Sherlock's kiss.


Sherlock's POV

He'd been awake the whole time.

Ever since last week (to be more exact, September 14th) when John had kissed him on the cheek, he hadn't gone into his mind palace even once (cleaning, what a load of rubbish, his mind palace was always clean!).

Of course he'd already figured out it had been the clown. He'd known all along. Sometimes he would draw cases out so that John would think he was happy, he did tend to go a bit overboard with the whole mother hen thing. Not that Sherlock minded in the least.

Sherlock had been pretending to go into his mind palace the whole week, hoping to get more kisses from John. And it had worked! Of course he knew eventually that John would kiss him on the mouth, and originally he was just going to remain still.

But screw it, he was here, now, with his best friend and first love's lips warm on his own, and he wanted to kiss back.

He felt John pull away from him, and he opened his eyes to stare at his doctors handsome face.

"I-uh . . . I realize you may not reciprocate my feelings . . . But I . . . Um . . ." Sherlock stuttered, distracted by the love in his favorite pair of brown eyes.

"I love you too you git." John smiled quickly before pushing his lips back onto Sherlocks.

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