I love you

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I woke up feeling lost and hurt, So I started getting ready to go to school even though I didn't feel like it at all , So Julie let me borrow most of everything I needed since we are the same size for everything.

I woke up feeling lost and hurt, So I started getting ready to go to school even though I didn't feel like it at all , So Julie let me borrow most of everything I needed since we are the same size for everything

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I arrived at school and it felt normal and I saw what made my jaw drop and made tears form in my eyes,I couldn't breathe.I saw Gabrial making out with Nicki. From all the girls Nicki,This what I was seeing hurt me the most like someone stabbed me in the heart,My heart basically shattered.I felt hurt so hurt I was reminded of my ex,The way he cheated like I was never going to find out.

Julie was next to me and she pulled me to the opposite direction they were.
"I-I c-can't b-breathe"I said full on crying,holding her hand tightly.

"We can go home,The school doesn't need us today"She said attempting to cheer me up but failed.We were walking towards the car when I heard Alex's voice.

"Olivia a-are you ok?I saw what happened"He said coming towards me,As soon as he stepped closer to me I pulled him into a hug and cried.He wasn't hugging back until I said"T-This. h-hurts.m-my.h-heart."I was shaking and he wrapped his arms around me.

"We could go to my house?and Julie could come too"He said pulling away.

I nodded and walked with Julie to meet and his house.

We arrived at his house and were eating ice cream,Alex gave me a sweater and some sweats and stayed in my small shirt that was under my shirt (Incase my crop-top ever came up) to stay comfortable apparently but how was I supposed to do that while knowing Gabrial was with someone else.

We were apparently binge watching some Disney movie but I wasn't paying attention,Because my mind was on Gabrial

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We were apparently binge watching some Disney movie but I wasn't paying attention,Because my mind was on Gabrial.
Why'd he do that?
Does he want to hurt me?
I was cut off by Alex saying something but I didn't hear it.
"Huh?"I said looking at him and placing my knees to my chest.

"You're crying again,We could do something else"He said looking at me then to Julie.

"I'm crying because this movie is so funny"I said not knowing I was crying then wiping my tears with the sleeve and attempting to convince them but I got nothing.

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