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"Move over"I told Alex as we slept in the same bed like when we were kids.

"No it's my bed and it's 4 so go to sleep"He told me and I got on top of him instead and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Ahh why are you so Cold?!"I asked him and felt his entire body cold while mine was warm.

"Go to sleep Olivia"Is all he said and I couldn't now,So I put my hands under his shirt and got fully on top of him and started tickling him from his armpits and he tried to keep a straight face but then turned into a smirk and into a huge smile and began laughing.

"Stop it!your going to wake up my Mom"He said obviously lying to me.

"Your mom isn't home Dumbo"I said and stopped tickling him and Laid next to him.

"Want to see my baby bump?"I asked him and he nodded and got onto his side.
I lifted my shirt and you could see a bump not big but not small he then placed his hand and then I quickly moved it.

"What?"He said probably wondering why I removed his hand from my belly.

"It's cold maybe when it's warm"I said laughing at him.
I got back on top of him and played with his freezing hand,I simply outlined the lines that he had on his hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked and looked at me to see.

"Nothing"I told him making eyes contact with him.

Damn did he look fine in the angle I'm looking at him,I placed my head on his chest and squeezed him tight,then I caught him staring at me.We were just looking into each others eyes,He leaned down to kiss me and I leaned up for our lips to attach together and they danced together.

His hands for my my waist and mine were on his cold and defined cheeks.
I knew it wasn't even a good idea to kiss but it felt good,it felt right.
I was messing with his hair and he was playing with the end of the shirt he let me borrow,He then flipped us over to were he was on top but not putting weight on my upper body at all.
My hands we now on his back holding onto him,He finally took of his shirt and damn his abs were nicely toned which I couldn't take my eyes off.
I took off my shirt and left me in in my bra and the shorts he also let me borrow and of course my panties.

"We should probably stop" I said pulling our lips apart from each other.

" if you want to?"He said breathing like he was out of breath.

"We should stop."

The doorbell rang and we were both surprised by it because it was still pretty early and so he was removing himself off me.

He got off of me and quickly put his clothes on then his shorts,and while he went to answer the door I stayed in bed because I was not done.

"What do you want?"I heard Alex say to the person at the door.

"There's someone here"I heard the familiar voice say oh no Nicki,I heard her come up the stairs so I got my naked self up and gathered my things and got inside that closet.

I could see her search the entire room but found nothing and she finally reached the closet but stopped.

"I know you cheated with Gabrial"He told her and she quickly turned around.

"What?why would you think that??"She asked him and he showed her the picture,her jaw dropped.

"We are officially Over,you've constantly done this and I..ughh can't so just leave"He told her because they were on a 'break ' and she had a big frown on her face..
"This isn't the last time and don't come from me when you're sad or want sex!!" She said throwing a book at him but caught it.
"Get the Hell Out"He told her and she stormed out flicking him off in the face,he followed and slammed the door and came back up.
I finally came out of the closet and laid on the bed.

"What's so funny?"He asked me looking at me if I was crazy.

"Thank you but I was talking About the Nicki thing dummy"I said going back to laughing.

"Very good actually"He replies with a smile and started messing with my hair.

"Are you tired?"He asked me when he pulled away.

"No" I told him as I looked up to stare at the ceiling.

"What do you want to do?"he asked me with a crooked smile on his face.

"Eat" I said and he looked at me and started laughing.

"You're a fattyyy"He said laughing at me.

I laughed at him reacting like that and he pulled the covers back to him,and had a face of a child getting a 'no' from his parents.

"We can go to McDonald's it's 24 hours I think?"He said reaching for his clothes then most of mine,and I nodded while putting on the clothes I was wearing.
-.- -.- -.- -.- -.-
We arrived at McDonald's and I got my Big Mac and Alex got 2 hot'n spices,We were eating in the parking lot peacefully eating our food.

"I'm going shopping tomorrow"I said Putting my burger down and stuffing my mouth with fries and enjoyed the most.

"Why?you have a big ass wardrobe?"He told me taking a big sip of his drink.

"Mmm...I don't it's like I'm 3 months pregnant?"I replied to him sarcastically looking at him making eye contact with him and him breaking it instantly.

"I guess....So um what happened at my house?"He asked wanting to know what it meant but I soon realized I didn't know what all that was.

"I'm not sure" I told him lifting my shoulders up.

"So was it a one time thing or?because it's on you,I want to respect you"He said smiling at me,leaving me to think of how he always respected everything everyone choose to do.

"I don't know"I said back ,returning a smile back at him.
I don't know if it's too long but I'm sorry 😐
I hope you enjoyed it.❣️

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