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I guess you can say thats one of the cons of being pregnant,never being able to sleep well for me at least.I'm currently staying in a hotel for tonight because all my things were still everywhere but by tomorrow everything should be in my apartment.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

I pick it up and speak into the phone.

"Hello?"I said.

"Yes hello are you Olivia Perez?"she asked weirdly wondering how she knew.

"Yeah?,what is this refering to??"I answered and asked her.

"Oh yes I'm sorry,Gabrial is in the hospital,he was brought because he was in a very tragic acc-"She was saying before i hung up and ran out of my room with my keys and my purse.

I know what i said probably caused this so I feel so guilty,I love him so much but I knew it would be best to let him go but not let him go forever.

I'm deeply in love with Gabrial even though its not healthy at all.


"What r-room i-is Gabrial in??The n-nurse said that he c-came in not too long ago"I said quickly signing my name on to the papers.

"Room 406 ma'am just go down that ha-"she was saying but I just stopped paying attention after she said the room number.

I was outside the room and very nervous but nobody seemed to be there.I was going to have to break the news to everyone.

I walked into the room and his face was filled with lots of scratches and cuts and his leg was bandaged up and his Arm was a little bruised up but nothing broken.

He was opening his eyes and I was getting nervous so nervous I felt these butterflies like the first time we met.

"Why are you here?"He asked and I only did what my heart told me.

I hugged him carefully but tightly.

"I'm sorry for the things,I-I said I-I'm s-sorry"I said crying,still holding him.

"Why are you crying?"He said lifting my head up wiping my tears with his thumb.

"because if i would've stayed with you,nothing would've happend.I'm sorry"I told him taking a step back and taking deep breaths.

"I was drinking and I shouldn't have so my bad..."He said laughing leaving me a little confused.

"I don't understand how this is funny.Where were you anyways?"I asked and his face became serious.

"J-J-Just at some bar,then a-after I d-drove then it h-happend"He said not fooling me.

"Where were you Gabrial?"I told him and you could tell he was getting nervous.

"I was at some friends house"He said.

"Are you lying to me?"I asked.

"Yes but..."He answered.

"I'm not even surprised,I'll call your mom and I'll leave."I told him and his face became very serious.

"Why?Why are you going to leave?"He questioned.

"Because this what we have is unhealthy and you keep lying,I honestly wanted to know if you were okay but i guess you are."I told him back and he became sad or at least Thats what his face showed.

"b-bu-"I cut him off.

"Bye"I said walking towards the door while pulling out my phone to call his mom and Denise.

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