Chapter 18

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Charles was working diligently, trying to sort out the last mess his nephews had found themselves in. After everything, nothing at all had been accomplished and the woman, Charlotte, had slipped away from her Wit Sec detail and was again in the wind.

Jonathan was in Rockland, trying to stay alive. His assistance with the FBI had caused difficulty with the general population. It would become necessary to put him into protective custody which would mean solitary confinement soon. He didn't relish doing that to the young man but if what had been happening since he returned, there would be no choice – otherwise it would be a death sentence.

He'd already been almost shanked, with his own ingenuity saving him that time. False accusations and tormenting were now a daily and common part of his existence.

Cameron was beside himself with wallowing guilt – not wanting to deal with anything or anyone.

The others in the group were no better off. Dina was close to a nervous breakdown and the young Jordan was spending most of his time out, away from the Archive and his team, friends. Gunter apparently was the stoic one, still trying to provide a steadying presence, which now was the only normal thing in the whole place.

"Percy get the warden at Rockland on the phone – I must have a discussion. Something has to be done soon – before everything dissolves into chaos." The young man went to do as bidden being accosted by Hamilton Havers, who was growing even more large as the days went by. He was also getting much more demanding of the Chairman's time and wanting to know more about the inner workings of the board.

He'd been promoted to the board at the last meeting and was in fine feather literally throwing his weight around. Each demand more ludicrous than the last. It was unfortunate that he had discovered information about the twins. This was going to cause friction if the truth were to be made known, not only for Harold but the board in general. No one yet knew that Charles had found the Legacy, the Initiative could proceed with that information. Other matters would have to be kept at all costs, The Chairman could not be compromised at this crucial stage; Percy knew that and would do what he could.

"Good afternoon Mr. Harold; how may I assist?" The cigar, a permanent fixture in the man's hand shook as he tried to clear his throat and take a deep breath.

"Want to see the Chairman.... I have urgent matters to discuss."

"I can put you down in the schedule sir; but, at the moment he is dealing with other Vale business and can't be disturbed." Harold was not impressed but he would bide his time, things were going to change and soon. Nodding he put the cigar back into his mouth and continued down the corridor with Percy sighing in relief.

He picked up the phone and dialed the correctional institution.

Cameron had his own idea and made the journey up to the prison to discuss it with Jonathan. He was going to make sure that his twin would be free, even if it meant him taking his place... for a little while. He could do that, for his brother he could and would do anything.

His plan was a simple one with far reaching possibilities if they could pull it off.

"Do you really think we could do it? I mean soon, there is something in the works here Cam... overheard one of the guards. I think they're planning on putting me in solitary for my own protection."

"That came out of nowhere...." Cam stopped in mid thought looking closely at his twin. Another black eye, more cuts and bruises – what the hell? "What's been going on Jonny? You look like a truck hit you...." The concern was there, it was more than obvious he'd been in a fight, probably more than few.

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