Chapter 24

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The meeting with their half-sister was short. Finding no malice and only the hope for a better future for her kids relieved the mounting fear that everything they'd put in the past was going to repeat itself.

The relationship was never going to be a good one but at least it wasn't a destructive one. She would continue to live at the Temple under the supervision of the members.

Cameron was good with the status quo while Jonathan had given in to a point with the allowing of the occasional call to check in on the boys; only if they themselves were willing.

Waiting for the car to take them to the private airstrip the Black twins were feeling free at last. The remnants of the past fading away put in a place where they could finally have total peace.

The report from the medical staff indicated the children all had the manipulated genes. The boys especially would find more exceptional traits as they aged, if they even noticed the aging process. Having the combined genes from two direct Black relatives with the altered genes made more likely they would share all of what both Cam and Jon had.

The girls on the other hand were less likely to show as much. Fortunate they had the strength enhancements after learning of their surviving a fatal-bus-crash years prior.

The consensus being they were all in excellent health and it would appear would be for the future.

The Archive was festooned with balloons and streamers on their arrival. Everyone was in attendance, waiting to hear about all that had transpired. The party was every bit as fun as one of Cameron's wrap up get togethers; with all the gang and close friends.

Owen, Tony and their families showed up late due to some kind of homework mishap. When everyone was gathered around the huge coffee table on the Persian green rug Cameron stood "I'm calling a team family meeting." That ensued with a lot of cat calls and the like.

"Come on Uncle Cam you can't be serious."

"I am, and I call this meeting to order. You all know about the Vale stuff and we've dealt with Charlotte and the medical issues. So, we're all on the same page and up to speed."

"Get on with it, Cam."

"Jonathan hold your horses will you, give me a break. It's about the money, treasure whatever you want to call it. Viv, you and Jordan have been keeping tabs on all of that?"

"Yep, all doing well."

"Dina, financial?"

"It's at a point now guys, the interest is paying out the donations on a monthly basis. More than enough to go around."

At this point the two sets of younger twins realized they had missed something big. "Dad, what money are you talking about – from the shows?"

"No, we mentioned it in Japan – it's something...."

"That your fathers took from the bad eggs that were hounding us years ago. Huge massive trove of God only knows how much, treasure, gold, silver, gems, priceless artwork."

"Close your mouth Jessie, flies can take up residence." Kay patted her daughter's shoulder.

"Yes, well it's now set up so none of us really have to do anything but you guys should know about it."

"Robert you're the accountant of the family, you should take over from Dina, she's more than earned her retirement. David you can help Viv and Jordan from now on with the disbursements, keep it on track. Okay?"

"Uh...okay dad."

"Finally, girls we think you should manage the families' resources – that way everyone will be included."

"What family resources?"

"We'll take you to the lawyers with us tomorrow. It's easier to show you." That wasn't intriguing at all, not at all.

"But why dad....why don't you guys want to deal with this anymore?"

"Because David we've decided we're going to retire....all of us. We want to travel just because we can. We realized after we turned fifty that Kay, Jessalyn, Mike and Dina, as well as ourselves have not had any time at all just to enjoy life for a change."

"Yeah, you know all our baggage, our upbringing, all the shit we had to deal with just to make it to the next day for years. Then we raised all of you; we loved doing it, wouldn't change anything for the world but, it's time to step away and just be."

"What about Jeremy? Karen and Lilly? Do they know about all of this?"

It was a good question and all of them had discussed it just after the youngest Black siblings and gone off on their own. None of those children had shown any indication of gene abnormalities. The three of them were well adjusted normal teenagers.

Jonathan's Jeremy had little use for magic and had joined the military much to the chagrin of his parents; however, he was at peace with his youngest son's choice, it was his own life and he would never interfere with his goals and aspirations.

Cameron had watched his other girls with an unbounding love. He was blessed and relieved when they showed absolutely nothing untoward in their makeup. Kay was a good mom and supported the younger girls with the typical concerns of teenagers. He was at a loss to understand the wild mood swings as the twins had been very self-sufficient from a very early time.

Karen was dead set on becoming a police officer just like her mom and Lilly was, from what Kay had told him, a lot like her long dead sister, Caroline leaning towards a career in art.

All of them would be okay and the older twins had made sure they would forever be taken care of.

They smiled at their special children it was good to see the love that the group shared with all their siblings.

"They will be fine. No need to burden them with all of this. You guys understand and we believe you can handle it all."

"But dad you said uncle Cam lived to perform, what about you designing things – is that all gonna stop now?"

"Don't worry about that we'll still be around, stepping in where you don't want us, I'm sure. Cam probably will continue to do the small benefits every now and then. We're just going to do it on our terms."

That's what Jonathan and Cameron had always done, their way, on their terms.

Nothing is Impossible.

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