001. The Past

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Three years ago...

Zion walks into my apartment at 2am.

"Zion we need to talk"

I turn on the lights and stand there with my arms crossed over my chest. I can smell the alcohol from where he's standing. He comes closer and starts touching me everywhere.

"Zion stop.." I say backing up.

A big sigh escapes his mouth and he goes to the kitchen. I follow him.

"Zion can we just talk, it's important and I think you need to know this"

"About what?" he asks barely standing on his feet.

"I can't talk to you like this. And what's up with you? The whole week you've been coming back home wasted. You can barely stand up"

"so what?! Leave me alone man"

He again walks away but this time into the bedroom.


He knows it's serious when I call him by his first name.

"Caleb, what is going on? Are you seeing someone else?"

He looks me dead in the eyes. I can see it through his eyes.

"CALEB ARE YOU SEEING SOMEONE ELSE??" I yell this time being afraid of this being true. He nods and looks away.

"You don't even got the balls to say the truth to me, looking me in the eyes" tears start flowing down my cheeck. He shows no emotions. "I thought you said you were a real nigga"

"3 years waisting my time on you. THREE YEARS GOD DAMMIT CALEB"

He still hasn't said anything to me. He's just sitting on the bed, red eyes from smoking and showing no emotions.

"What did I do to deserve this Caleb? I gave you the sex you wanted multiple times, I sucked your dick everytime you wanted it, I always loved you"

"so you don't love me anymore?" the first words he said after me yelling at him. Is that all he could hear from this whole conversation?

"Caleb I will always love you, but I can't do this anymore"

"so what are you saying?" he asks standing up being a few inches from me. I look up to look him directly in the eyes.

"I need you to leave and don't come back" I feel his hot air escaping his nose. "now" He turns around packs his bags.

He walks towerds the front door but stops when he's about to open it. He turns around one last time looking at me and than dissappears.

I fall onto the ground hugging my legs and burst into tears.


Three days past by and I didn't hear from Caleb. I didn't expect him to reach out to me, but I kind of wanted him to come back and figure this out. But I guess we both figured out this relationship wasn't working anymore.

"Girl I knew that nigga was nothing. He only wanted you for sex" Rose says to me while hugging me.

"no it's not like that, he really loved me"

"I'm proud of you letting him go, but did you tell him you are.. You know, pregnant?" Kayla asks.

I sigh. "I was about to, but I changed my mind"

Rose chuckled. "This nigga better not come back in my nephew or niece's life. He didn't wanna hear nothing about it so it might as well stay this way"

"Isn't that rude?" I ask looking up to my best friends.

"I kind of agree with Rose, he didn't want to be there for you, so why would you let him enter your life again"

Maybe the girls are right. He always told me he didn't want kids. And he cheated on me. If he comes back into my life, he might break my heart again.


9 months later and I gave birth to my beautiful angel Grace. I'm so I love with her. She completes my world. She makes me happy when I'm down and gives me this full feeling of love.

2 months before I gave birth to Grace a boy came into my life. His name is Michael. He financially supports me, but when it comes to love... Well.

After I gave birth he has been acting very aggressive. He left me bruises almost everywhere except my face because "You got that pretty face so I'm not gonna mess that up" like he always says after tearing my body down.

He didn't let me recover from my almost 3 days labor and birth. The only reason I stay with him is because he supports me financially. The money he gives me, I only spend it on my Babygirl.

I still live in my Crack-apartment with 1 bedroom, a kitchen and a small living room.

The doorbell rings. I open the door with Grace's little body on my chest. It's Michael..

Hey loves, so how'd you think my first chapter was? Leave some comments x

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