Chapter 2

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"Jeongwoo?" Haruto called and carefully entered the vocal room, there he found the boy that he was looking for an hour ago.

He slowly close the door after and tiptoed his way to the sleeping boy.

Haruto then carefully took off his jacket and placed it on Jeongwoo's shoulder.

He smiled at the sleeping boy and left the room to get some foods for both of them.

On his way to get food, Haruto stumbled upon Asahi, thus he called him.

"Asahi hyung!" Haruto called

Asahi averted his look at Haruto and smiled at him.

Asahi then waved at him after.

Haruto smiled and asked him, "Where were you?"

Asahi widen his eyes and looked away, blushing.

Haruto raised his eyebrows a little bit, suspicious of his hyung.

Before Haruto could asked another question, he heard someone called Asahi's name.


"Is that--" Haruto didnt get to finish his words when Asahi suddenly grip his arms and whispered, "Go with a flow ok?"

With that, Asahi turn around and smiled at the one who called him.

"Jaehyuk" Asahi said

"Are you okay?" Jaehyuk suddenly asked making Haruto confuse.

"Yeah, Haruto here, called me to help him with something" Asahi said and looked at Haruto, Haruto looking at him confused but he nodded anyways.

"Is that so?" Jaehyuk said.

"Oh okay, then ill see you tomorrow?" Jaehyuk added

Asahi smiled and nodded at Jaehyuk.

A couple seconds after Jaehyuk left the hallway, Haruto looked at Asahi and was clearly waiting for an explaination.

"Ill explain later if im sure about these" Asahi said

Haruto is even more confuse at what Asahi just said, he was the  about to asked Asahi but remembered his reason why he was there.

Haruto widen his eyes and bid goodbye to Asahi, "Okay hyung, ill see you later at the dorms", and scurried his way to get food.


Haruto opened the door slowly, expecting for Jeongwoo to still be sleeping but when he completely open tbe door and got inside, he was met with Jeongwoo's tired eyes.

Haruto smiled and walked towards the table and placed the bag above the table.

"Did i wake you?" Haruto asked in a soft tone.

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