Chapter 6

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Haruto still cant go to sleep, his mind is still replaying his and Jeongwoo's comversation earlier.

He mayhaps saw the necklace when Jeongwoo was adjusting his shirt.

"Its not like i was looking at him!" Haruto mayhaps shouted that made Yoshinori woke up, thus he took a peak on Haruto whom he found ruffling his hair hardly.

Yoshinori's forehead creased at what he witness, thinking twice if he'll ask Haruto what is wrong or not.

And Yoshinori being Yoshinori, he asked the younger because he was getting l worried after seeing Haruto mumbling and ruffling his hair again.

"Haruto" Yoshinori called

Haruto flinched when his name was called, he look to where it came and saw Yoshinori looking at him, worried.

"H-hyung" Haruto even stuttered.

"Are you okay?" Yoshi asked, getting more worried at the younger.

"Y-yea" Haruto replied, dont even know why he is stuttering.

"You sure?" Yoshi asked once again.

"Yes hyung, dont worry" Haruto said and smiled at Yoshi.

"Did i wake you up hyung?" Haruto asked, guiltiness laced over his voice.

Yoshinori moved his head sideways and smiled, "No, you didnt"

"Thats a relief then" Haruto asked and laughed a little.

Yoshinori also laughed a little and went back to lie down.

"Hyung" Haruto called


"Why do people lie?"

Yoshinori was shocked hearing that question from Haruto, "hmm"

Haruto waited for Yoshinori to speak while playing with his hands.

"People lie maybe because they wanted to protect the truth or they wanted to not hurt the person they lied to by the truth" Yoshinori answered

"But hyung, what if you were hurt because someone lied to you?" Haruto asked, holding the necklace he is wearing.

"If thats the case then you should tell them or asked them, but if they dont want to tell you right away, dont force them, maybe someday, when they are ready to tell you the truth, then thats the cue" Yoshinori said.

"Hmmm" Haruto hummed and took a deep breath.

"Thank you hyung, ill go to sleep first, goodnight" Haruto then said and positioned himself comfortably in his bed.

"Okay, goodnight" Yoshinori said, worried at the boy.

Haruto mayhaps lied at Yoshinori in going to sleep first.

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