Chapter 15: Dragon

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Maurice was in a strange forest judging how the tree branches were bend in odd way. He look down at his mission which was to beat a dragon.

Maurice: I haven't seem a dragon at all.

He stopped walking after a while to listen for anything but didn't hear anything and continue.

Maurice: For in "SSS" rank mission, this sucks.

He sighed unaware that something move behind him.

Maurice: I'm bored as heck.

He stopped once again after hearing a twin move and turn to look behind himself and saw a squirrel.

Maurice: Silly me.

He continue once again while not hearing a low growl.

Maurice: I can't lie but this forest is nice.

He heard a loud roar and couldn't react when he had a crash into a tree by a large tail.

Maurice: Ouch. *gets up and noticed his arm was broken* Dang.

He turn to see the dragon he was looking and look around for a weapon and saw a stick before running to get it and strike the dragon with it as it broke.

Maurice: I bet that hurt.

He was slammed into a tree by the claw of the beast before it rammed him through multiple trees as the boy felt his ribs break and stabbed some of his organs before the dragon throw him into air and bit his legs where had snap with ease before throwing him through another pairs of trees.

Maurice: Okay ouch. That one really hurt.

He lay there as the dragon stalking towards him with open jaws.

Maurice: I guess this is it.

Suddenly, the dragon's jaw was hit by iron hammer that near broke his jaw before it was lifted off the ground by the near of it's tail and thrown into the trees.

Maurice watch in surprise while losing blood and saw Shay was there along with Eltnum and Sam.

Sam: D*mn, you seem damage.

Shay look at her oddly while they heard the dragon.

Eltnum: Excuse me for a moment.

She move but Sam stopped and they saw the dragon was shot by Mark who in the trees but it had irgone her and charge at them.

Shay: One moment please

Lightning flash across his body with put his hand out as lightning form in it.

Shay: Chidori!

He flash toward it's open jaws and ripped in half.

Shay: Done.

Eltnum turn and look Maurice's wounds.

Shay: How is he?

Sam: Clearly not good.

She moved her tails that wrapped around him gently and lift him up.

Sam: Come on or he won't make it.

They follow her to the school.

Meanwhile, Rosery and Emblem watch Turbo and Nitro fought a beast that they were beating with no problem as Nitro delivered final blow.

Turbo: Alright we're done.

Nitro nodded and both of them turn to Rosery and Emblem.

Rosery: Come on. We're heading back and collecting our buy.

Nitro: Our?

Rosery: Yes our. Me and her already did our while you two were dealing with that monster.

Nitro didn't say anything and was a little surprised but won't admit.

Rosery: Come on. I don't got all day.

He shook his head as they all went to the school.

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