꧁🌸Basic Information P.4🌸꧂

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> 📿 A Incense is used to attract certain energies or banish energies. Incense can be represented as air on the alter.

Crystals and Gemstones
> 📿 Crystals and Gemstones are used for spells and used to attract certain energies in your life. Crystals and Gemstones Can be used to represent earth on the alter.

   Essential Oils
> 📿 Essential Oils can be used in aroma therapy and healing. Some can be used for the skin to relieve head aches and others pains. Some are only for sleep/sickness. Some can also be ingested.

> 📿 Candles are used in magic and sigils. Candles can represent fire on the alter.

> 📿 A goblet is used for offerings to deities. This is used to represent Earth on the alter.

> 📿 A pentagram used in spells, worn as a symbol of the craft. A pentagram is used to represent spirit on the altar.

  Herbs and Plants
> 📿Herbs and Plants are used for spells and cooking. They are used to represent earth on the alter.

> 📿 Cauldron- used for spells and ceremonial purposes.

> 📿 A wand is used as a ritual for Imbolc, good for visualization and ceremonial purposes.

> 📿 Athame is a dagger used in practices. Usually for cerimonial purposes.

  Book of Shadows/ Grimoire
> 📿 The Book of Shadows/ Grimoire is a magic book where spells and magic knowledge are kept. Usually written by the witch themselves or the witch's family.

> 📿 Due to the digital age, many people are keeping their Book of Shadows/Grimour online. Some still prefer to write it in a book. You can use anything you want, but if you're a closeted witch, I would suggest keeping it in a secure file on your computer.

> 📿 If you can, use a binder. I mean like do what you think looks best cause it's your grimoire (or book of shadows), buT.....like.... BINDERS. This is especially great for new witches that don't have a system, and for people like me who love things organized but always mess up. Hear me out.

> 📿 You can add/take away pages from sections with ease. You can put in papers from old grimoires with just a hole punch. You can design a cover on a paper and put it through the front clear pouch, and then easily remove when you wanna re-do it. You can get binders with built in folders for your small pieces of paper. You can buy more paper when you run out. Each page is usually a lot bigger then the standard note-book size paper, which equals more info per page. You want decorate and you need stuff to dry, but you wanna continue working? Easy, just take out the page you wanna decorate and then continue working in the book while that page dries, it's great.

> 📿 What I did  was start off my using colored paper clips to section my binder with titles, and then as I wrote in each section I added paper when needed, then used paper clips to put all the paper in a certain section together. It's the most organized my grimoire has ever been. Like seriously binders are amazing for this.

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