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Sabbats are kind of like holidays! Except they are for witches! There are eight Sabbats that witches adhere to. These are major holidays and usually last a few days with lots of traditions and a rich history.
Imbolc (February 2)
The Imbolc sabbat is celebrating the return of spring. Corn husk dolls called Brid'o'gas are made.
Ostara (March 19-22)
Ostara is celebrated on March 19-22. Ostara is celebrated for the Spring Equinox, a time where we celebrate fertility and rebirth. Plant seeds/tend to your garden and take walks looking for signs of spring.
Beltane (May 1)
Beltane is celebrated May 1st. This sabbat celebrates fertility. Many people choose to try and have a baby at this time or just have a lot of sex. Also celebrated with bonfires and dancing.
Litha (June 19-23)
Litha is celebrated on June 19-23. The Summer Solstice, celebrates the longest day of the year. People often light candles and have bonfires to represent the sun.
Lughnasadh (August 1st)
Lughnasadh is celebrated August 1st. This sabbat is the first of the fall harvests, gingerbread are often made at this time.
Mabon (September 21-24)
Mabon is celebrated September 21-24. The Fall Equinox and second of the fall harvests.
Samhain (November 1)
Samhain is celebrated November 1st. This Sabbat is the third and final fall harvest, celebration of the dead. A huge feast is made and extra place setting are set for your ancestors, the altar is decorated in memorabilia or trinkets from your ancestors.
Yule (December 20-23)
Yule is celebrated December 20-23. Yule is the Winter Solstice, rebirth. This is celebrated like Christmas.
Southern Hemisphere Sabbat Dates

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