Chapter 1 ~It All Starts With A Bite Mark

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"Breaking news: Dangerous virus has broken out. We urge families to stay in their houses, immediately. And please refrain from touching anyone." 

The brunette woman stated in a stern voice. Her dark eyes had worry written all over in them, though she tried to stay formal. "No one shall leave their houses, for safety purposes and the governments will inform countries when we're moving down to our levels. 

This is a quarantine time and we please urge families and friends to stay far from crouded stores or any other place, for that matter. "A disturbing new fact was recorded by top-head scientist, Dr. Martine. 

"Infected inmates have been interviewed for having strange behavioural changes, and overall shattered mentalities. But the most unnerving fact was that the captives have been violent and have been seen devouring doctors." The newswoman sniffed, her dark eyes already glossy, though she tried to hold herself together. And it was obvious that she was on the very verge of tears. "Please for your own safety, do not leave your houses."

Toby's eyes widened as he looked down at his twitching fingers. They did that whenever he felt nervous. And he was starting to grow jittery. 

Shit, Toby thought. His thoughts were cut off when Jeff switched off the TV. The pale teenager looked at him, slightly annoyed. "Hey, what the hell?" Ben proclaimed. "We were watching that!'

"Heh, I'm surprised you actually decided to pay attention to the news.." Jeff teased, smirking mockingly down at the blonde preteen. Sally was trembling in Jane's arms. "Shut up, asshole. We need to know what's going on." The charismatic dark-haired woman hissed. "Turn the TV back on." Liu sighed, his tired green eyes drooping with exhaustion. As if he had not slept in years. "Jeff, we need to see what's going on."

"They said they were eating  people.." Sally quivered, whose eyes were glossy. Jane looked down at the child in the pink pajamas and her expression loosened into sympathy. "Oh honey.." She cooed. "We're okay. We're safe." 

"B-But how safe are we, Janie?" Sally squeaked, her childish voice breaking in fear. And that particular question caused Jane's mind to falter. And so, the woman stayed silent for a while. She wasn't sure if she could even come up with an answer.  The others were a little taken aback by the child's question. Even Jeff.  Then Toby finally spoke up, breaking the sudden silent tension that managed to draw itself into the living room. "S-Sal's got a point. We're not gonna b-be safe forever, Jane." 

"Well we don't how long the virus will take to spread." Jane answered, though she did not sound too confident. "Besides, we literally live in the middle of the fucking woods, so I seriously doubt a lot of people would hang around here to spread the sickness." Sally flinched slightly by the sound of cursing but didn't attempt to say anything.

 She was too scared to anyway. Toby sighed quietly as the others began demanding Jeff to switch the television back on. "Why would I want to turn it back on? We've got Sally in the fucking room, dipshits." Jeff growled. Jane's eyes burned with annoyance. But then she sighed, trying to dampen her hatred against the killer. It had been a few years ever since Jeff and Jane's unfortunate encounter, but Jane still managed to hold a grudge towards him. 

"Fine, you ugly coconut. But just turn the damn thing back on."

The teenage Rogers then heaved another quiet sigh. But this time, it was a tired sigh. Toby got up from the spot he was sitting and walked over to the connected kitchen. Toby begrudgingly opened the cupboards.

 And didn't find anything, other than canned food. Toby sighed as his neck continued to uncontrollably snap and crack. 

Of course, there'd be no good food.  His eyes drawn on over to the squad sitting in front of the large TV. He gave a slight glance to the silver framed clock that hung on the far wall. Shit, it's already 10:56?   Toby couldn't lie that he was feeling quite lazy. And so, he managed to snag a microwaved hash brown. 

It wasn't his favorite food in the world, but he couldn't be bothered right now. He chucked it in the heating machine and pressed a few buttons. As he began to wait out his food, he stuffed his hands in his pockets. And tuned into Jeff and Jane's arguement. "You stupid cunt, I'm more good-looking than you!" He heard Jane snap. "Right, Sally?"

"Huh?" Sally squeaked. "What? Don't bring me into this!"

"Nuh-uh! I'm better looking, you can go eat someone's shit.." Jeff hissed.

Jane let out a sly laugh. "Heh, says the guy who looks like shit."

The young Rogers found himself laughing along with the others. He didn't know what happiness was. But everything didn't hurt when he was around them. "Shit, I-I gotta hand it to ya, Jane, that was a s-smooth comeback." Toby said, between his own ticky chuckles. "Yeah, see? Even your best friend agrees with me.." Jane said in a mocking intonation of voice. Jeff rose his arms in disbelief. "Toby, what the hell, man? I thought we agreed to you to not take Jane's side.."

"U-Um.." Toby trailed off. "No, we d-didn't.."

Before Jeff could retaliate, someone burst through the front door, making everyone yelp. On the floor beside Toby, was a blood covered mess. Whatever it was, it wasn't human.

 And it was still alive.

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