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What if an expert wrote this would you agree? That today we live in a world where living our dreams is possible for all. Although due to the situations we maybe in or choose, it causes us to delay or cancel our dreams to follow our daily responsibilities of various lifestyles.
But what if in the deepest part of your heart and mind you really know your dream is your call in life will u go for it or keep ignoring it?
Will you achieve greatness or ponder on how things could have turned out otherwise. Living in happiness or regret; will you please others or choose to please yourself?
Well I chose to please myself.
For if you knew the author and his life decisions you would either applaud or throw stones, agree or disagree, either way thanks to his kindness of sharing his dreams with others, eyes are now listening to his work, in attempt to see what he dreams.
However, for now he writes petty stories from his psychedelic experiences for they build suspense towards the creation of masterpieces in future comings.
So if you believe in dreams as he does, than you can do whatever from whenever to where ever but at least you'll live your dreams and be happy with your choices and actions.
Would you believe this if an expert wrote this?($)

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