Chapter X

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~Thursday 2nd June 2016~

"You want me to make you some breakfast, baby?" Gray whispered into the darkness of the room, shifting his hand on River's back ever so slightly. He wasn't sure if the boy was awake, or maybe if he was even just dreaming like he always did, but Gray didn't want to just lay there all morning. He wasn't one to just sit still and do nothing, it made him feel insane.

"Pancakes," River murmured, clutching tighter onto Gray's chest, pressing a lazy kiss to his skin that made the man chuckle.

"You have to let go of me then, baby," River grumbled, shaking his head and moving ever closer to the man. In reality, Gray had nothing wrong with him being so clingy, it was cute.

"Stay," River tilted his head back ever so slightly, latching his lips onto Gray's neck, nibbling and sucking enough to make the man moan softly. Gray hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he could just stay there, but he knew River's actions would lead to something more, something that shouldn't be happening when the boy was so ill.

"Do you want breakfast, or do you want me to stay?" It was a stupid question really, one that Gray immediately knew the answer to when he felt River's hand moving over the waistband of his sweatpants. At least he had had time last night to go to a store nearby and buy some things when River had already fallen asleep after dinner.

"Stay, daddy," River whined, reaching up to cup Gray's cheek, coaxing the man down to meet his lips. The two kissed slowly, tongues dancing together, open-mouthed with their breaths mingling. Gray snaked an arm around River's waist, drawing the boy closer, their bodies flush together.

"Mmm, baby boy, you need to rest," Gray murmured, breaking the kiss unwillingly, his lips remaining only inches from the boy's. A whimper slipped over River's parted lips, one that actually managed to make Gray's heart ache, even though the boy wasn't in pain. He was craving, aroused.

"Please, I want to," River rolled his hips against Gray's, brushing his stiffened cock against the man's, making the word 'no' a very difficult one to say. Gray wanted River. He wanted to bury himself within the boy, lose each other in the pleasure, anything, but he knew River was tired. His eyes were barely even open, Gray could see that through the darkness, and he could hear the fatigue in his voice.

"I know, baby, just lay back," Gray moved from under River, laying the boy onto his back and pulling off the t-shirt he had put on the previous night. Apparently, River felt the cold more easily than Gray, and his shivering had gotten worse even though the man had tried to keep him warm all night. Gray would have preferred skin on skin contact, but he knew River had to come first whilst he was sick. He had to get better, that's what Gray was there for.

"Hush, baby," Gray purred when River whimpered beneath him, a shiver causing the boy to arch his back into the man's trailing lips, "stay still for me," Gray held onto River's hips with a gentle grip, placing line after line of tender kisses across the boy's torso, all the way down to his navel. He lingered there for a moment, littering dark marks on the boy's skin, scattered like stars in the night sky.

River tilted his hips up when Gray tugged down his sweatpants, soft breaths leaving his lips when the man kissed along his inner thighs. They didn't have many firsts with one another, and Gray felt he might as well make that one special. It seemed more intimate than a blow job in a restaurant bathroom, something the two should remember for a thousand different reasons.

Gray kept his movements slow whilst he took River's member into his mouth, feeling the boy thread his hands through his hair. He almost wanted to smile at the symphony of moans that drifted from River, echoing through the room, followed by whimpers and whines that matched perfectly. His body was moulded to Gray's hands, moving when he instructed, keening into his touch, almost as though it was fluid in motion, rather than bone and flesh.

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