~• one •~

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note from author: hey i made this a while ago, so if it's a little rusty, don't worry. it gets better. way better. just wait ;)

It was a normal day at the BAU. Everyone was separately doing their jobs, as always. You were at your desk, reading over closed cases, waiting for the whole team to arrive.

"Hey," said a soft but familiar voice.

You looked up to see who it was. Of course, it was Doctor Spencer Reid. 

"Hey Spence," you said smiling.

"I-I need to talk to you later," he said quietly.

"Okay," you said, wondering why he was acting a bit weird. "Everything ok?"

He walked away with his head down, ignoring your question. Spencer never acted weird around you. You two were best friends. Or were you? Hmm.

"Hey Y/N!," said a cute voice from behind you. It was the one and only, Penelope Garcia.

"Hey, do you know what's up with Spence," you asked.

"No, sorry. But guess what? It's national lollipop day! I always keep up with the cute little holidays, because why not?! Here, I have a lollipop for you," she said handing you a cherry flavored Dum Dum.

"Thanks?," you said smiling. She smiled back.

"All right team, to the conference room," said Hotch.


You were all sitting on the round table, talking and waiting for Garcia to start presenting. You decided to eat your lollipop, so you unwrapped it, and started- you know- sucking on it. It was really good. You almost forgot how lollipops tasted like. You decide to look over at Spencer. He is staring right at you, mouth wide open, looking at the way you were sucking that lollipop. You stared back at him, smiled, then turned back around like nothing happened. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, still staring, lowkey shocked.

"All right guys I'm here!," said Garcia, walking in with her remote.


You were all in the jet. Everyone was talking about the case, including you. When you all brought up a little conclusion, you all just sat back and relaxed. You decided to get a cup of coffee. You got up, and started walking to the coffee machine. Then, you see Spencer approaching. He didn't say anything to you, but simply just started making his own coffee.

"I saw you staring," you said smiling at him.

"I was simply admiring your face features," he said, not making eye contact with you.

"Hmmm.... really?," you said.

"Uh- yeah yeah," he said. He finally made eye contact with you.

"So you wouldn't want to be in that lollipops place?," you said with a smirk.

"Uh-well-what- Im- no- yes- no," he said stuttering.

"Hmmm. Okay Spencer," you said walking away.


You were all in the jet again, after closing a rough case. You and Spencer barely saw each other for the rest of the case. You both only talked when you had too. Everyone was sleeping, except for Spencer. He was playing chess, like always. You decided to walk over to him.

"Hey, can I sit here?," you asked.

"Of course," he said, again avoiding eye contact.

"So...," you said, watching his hands as he played chess.

"Well, you were right," he said smiling slightly.

"About?," you asked.

"You know what," he said. "But considering how hard your staring at my hands makes me think that you want these hands around your neck, choking you slightly, yet steadily, am I right?," he said, still smiling.

"Wha-," you said.

"You see, two can play at that game, Y/N. You can't just seduce me like you have been doing, and expect me not to fire back," he said.

This was kinda strange. Spencer being... freaky? Doesn't make sense.

"Well Doctor Spencer Reid. I did not expect this out of you," you said enthusiastically.

"Well Agent Y/N, I did not expect this behavior from you either," he said in the same tone.

You were still studying his hands. He looked up at you and smiled. All of a sudden, he stopped playing chess. He slowly hid his hands under the table. Suddenly, he stood up out his chair.

"Hey, wanna see a magic trick?," he said, almost trying not to smile.

"Uh-sure?," you said, wondering why he said this literally out of nowhere.

"Well here's what you have to do, pick up your hair in a ponytail, then kneel down right in front of me," he said, still smiling slighty.

"Uh- what the fuck?," you said.

"Hmm. Your saying your words nervously. Is there something to be nervous about?,"he said smirking.

"N-n-no. W-w-whatever Spence, I'm not doing your little "magic trick" okay?," you said.

"You will someday," he said, still smirking.

"Okay I'm just gonna go sleep a little bit because ya know busy day today right haahaha...ha," you said, nervously but trying to act confident.

You were walking away from him now, trying to process what the fuck he was saying. Well yeah, what you did was dirty as hell, but at least you didn't go that far. Suddenly, He grabbed your arm, and pulled you to his chest. He looked down at you. He was leaning in, and so were you. But then he stopped an inch from your lips.

"Not so fast," he said smiling.

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