~• twenty •~

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you and spencer had woken up from the long night you had had. hotch wanted you guys to meet him at the BAU.

spence: *sleepily* mmm the one night we go out?

that voice. damn. that's hot.

you: i know right?

spence: well i'm gonna make breakfast.

you: mmm get you a man who can do both.

spence: get you a woman who can do-

you: i know what you're gonna say-

spence: what?

you: i'm good at giving you head huh?

spence: i wasn't-

you: mhmmm.

spence: i was gonna say get you a women who's- beautiful.

you: sure-

spence: i-

you giggled as you got up out of bed.

you: should we shower together?

spence: whoa say less.

spencer got up out of bed. you went into the restroom as spencer followed. you started taking off your clothes, and he slowly started sliding his finger around your body.

you: *laughing*  stop that tickles.

spence: i just want too-

you: well we can't right now babe, we have to get ready.

spence: all right y/n, all right.

you both started taking off your clothes and went into the shower.


you both entered the BAU, almost running. it had taken you both an hour to get ready. the shower turned into- never mind.

you: i'm so sorry we're late!

spence: yeah, phones were on silent.

morgan: wow. spencer reid lying about having sex. huh.

spence: hmm. i'm not one to brag-

you: *hits shoulder* spence-

spence: ow!

garcia: well you should've had a few more rounds. hotch is taking forever! it has never taken this long!

morgan: yeah. we've been here since 5 in the morning.

garcia: i want to go back to my bed and sleep! now!

morgan: it's okay babygirl calm down.

spence: why is hotch taking so long?

garcia: i have no clue.

emily and JJ both started approaching you guys.

emily: well at least the loverbirds made it!

JJ: is that what we're calling them? count me out.

emily: JJ-

JJ: what? i'm professional. i'll call them by their names.

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