~• twenty-one •~

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you were panicking, and so was spence.

you: do you have your phone?!

spence: it was in my pocket!

you: wait, did they take my purse?

your looked around the floor again, and saw your purse almost into the other stall. you quickly grabbed it, and took out your phone.

you: let me call garcia.

spence: okay.

you dialed the number, and waited to hear her voice while the phone rang.

garcia: hello?

you: garcia! we need your help!

garcia: with what? are you guys okay?

you: not really. *whispers* someone took our clothes.

garcia: oh my- don't worry! i'm coming! i already see who has the clothes.

you: wait who-

garcia hung up before she answered your question.

spence: well?

you: she's coming with our stuff.

spence: okay whoever did this is actually fucked up.

you: i know. are they really that bored?

you both suddenly heard the bathroom door open.

garcia: im here! let me throw the clothes over the stall.

she threw them, as you and spence caught them, and started putting the on.

spence: who did this?

garcia: it was morgan.

you: what?

to be honest, you thought it was JJ. but, i guess not?

spence: oh im going to beat his ass.

you: spence-

garcia: well it wasn't really his fault.

spence: what?

you and spence had finished changing, and exited the stall. garcia was putting on lipstick at the sink.

garcia: thank goodness we're in the women's restroom.

you: garcia? explain!

garcia: oh right! it was a dare.

spence: from who?

garcia: well it was him, JJ, and emily playing.

called it.

you: why would he listen?

spence: because it's morgan, he doesn't care.

you: well that is one stupid dare.

garcia: well JJ probably wanted to do it, but she was such a pussy- i'm sorry! that didn't come out of me!

you: *laughs* it's okay, but we should go now.

spence: yeah.

spencer quickly walked out of the restroom. oh shit. someone was angry.

you and garcia both walked out together, talking about the situation.

you: why is JJ acting like this?

garcia: i don't know. but it's weird you know?

you: it is. but the part that frustrates me the most is that she's married. like what the fuck.

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