CHAPTER 1- "Journey to the café"

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Suga's P.O.V

An hour had passed since I got home from the morning practice, and I regret not asking daichi to come with me in that new café today.'damm-it', I'll just text him now.


"Hey Daichi!"

Daichi💕- "Hey Suga! what's up?"

"Um..I forgot to ask you earlier, if u wanted to come with me at that new "wishing café", I mentioned about last Wednesday?"

Daichi💕- "Gomen Suga, but I promised Yui to help her with her homework today, maybe next weekend, I'll be able to go out with you"

"Oh ok!"

Daichi💕- "Gomenasai Suga, Gomenasai!"

"No, it's okay really! well see you on monday!😊"

Daichi💕- "see you too! bye Suga!"

_ _ _

'Well, That plan backfired', hmm..I wonder if he will go with me instead if I were a female, 'oh gawd what am I thinking'. I love Myself and how am I, I should know that...

But seriously, I really wanna go in that café, I mean those wishing flowers (dandelion?) will be given to customers as souviners, and not to mention, it comes with a mini pot with your name carved on it.

I don't wanna bother my teammates in coming with me, so I'll "journey" there alone instead, it couldn't be that bad right? 4 streets away...hehe [A/C: Sugamama, we behind the 4th wall will be with you💕]

Narrator's P.O.V

While Suga was crossing at the first street, he caught a glimpse of his 3 kouhais, not that far away. So he went up to them.

"Hinata!? Yamaguchi!? Nishinoya!? what are you three doing here? you should be resting or studying in your homes in this hour."

The wishing flower [Haikyuu!! Genderbend ff.]Where stories live. Discover now