CHAPTER 2.5- "transformation pt. 2"

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Bokuto's P.O.V

"HEY HEY HEY! it's Monday!"

I got up on my bed and was about to go to my wardrobe when I saw a familiar figure, walking out from my bathroom...

"AGAASHIII!?"  [Whoops :P]

He...He looks so Hot! ehhh! why is he in my room?!

"Koutaro? are you okay?" 

...WOAH! we are already in fist name basis?

Akaashi went closer to me and  then started to caressed my cheeks, softly...

"A-Akaashi, what are you doing?" 'Damn', my face is getting hotter and my heart is beating faster.

Instead of him answering my question, his face is inching towards mine until our lips is just an inch away...

~ ~ ~ ~ :3~ ~ ~ ~ :3 ~ ~ ~ ~

"[Decide Bokuto's ringtone ( ^ - ^ )>!!](I somehow can't decide any, Gomen! ( ^-^ ;))

EHHHH!?!? another dream about Akaashi!, why am I dreaming about him lately?...
well...I do like him, a lot, but does he even like me back? [In a romantic way ofc. :3] I need to ask Kuro for advice!, let me call him (facetime).

[Facetiming/calling NekoBro!]

Kuro-"Was'sup bro! turn your cam. on!"

"okay wait"

- - - [on the camera]- - -

Kuro and Me- "HOLY SH*T!"

Kuro- "Bokuto are you using filter cam. or gender change cam.!?" [idk if that even exists..YN]

"NO BRO!" *runs to the mirror*

Kuro- "Then HOW the hell did you get a long frizzy-like hair and a mountain behind your shirt!?"

"*Looks at the mirror then back at the phone* I don't even know how the hell did I get the hair and the mountain!"

Kuro- "BRO you obviously, magically and mysteriously turned into a girl!"

"I know! this is MUCH worse than my dream problem!"

Kuro- "Dream problem?"

"uhhh...before that, can your mom help me about 'this' problem? i mean she's a girl.."

[Note: Bokuto's parents are out in another country for a month]

Kuro- "ofcourse bro! I'll tell her about everything"

"Thanks bro!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Kunimi's P.O.V

[Note: Kunimi is under the blanket; he wrap himself with a thick and large blanket because of how cold his room is.]

"Akira! get up already!" *??? barges in the room*

*continues sleeping* (Kunimi)                                                                                                                                          *??? went to the side of the bed and shakes Kunimi*                    

"*yawns* Nee-san, it's sunday! leave me alone * rolls a bit to the left*"

"You forgot didn't you...Mom and dad are coming home from buisness today, we need to prepare the whole house and ourselves."

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