Three New Students

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Y/n Pov

It's been a couple of weeks and it's the day where the 2ps come. You woke up to smelling fresh pancakes. You got dressed. When you were about to walk out the door you stopped your tracks. It felt like you forgot something important. You turned around and saw your slim black sweater on your chair. You walked to it and put it on and left to go eat pancakes.

"Hi Matthew." You sat down on the chair for the dining table. "Good morning Y/n. I've made your pancakes, with extra strawberries." Your eyes gleamed with happiness. "Thanks. Your the best." Matthew blushed. "Hahaha! You guys can't eat without the hero!" Alfred said this while running downstairs.

Alfred sat down and waited for his pancakes. Matthew gave you your pancakes which had extra strawberries on it with strawberry syrup. Alfred only got plain ones while Matthew had a lot of maple syrup on his.

~ Time Skip ~

We got outside the house and locked the door."Hurry up Y/n! We might be late!" Alfred yelled. You sighed in annoyance. "We have 30 minutes also, collage is close anyways." "Whatever, the hero is never late." You locked the door and walked next to Matthew. Soon Ivan joined in since he lived right around the corner.

"Privet Y/n." "Hi Ivan." "You look pretty as always." You blushed and didn't speak. Ivan giggled and continued walking.

~ Time Skip ~

Once the four of us entered a collage student came up to you. "Y/n! I'm part of the newspaper club and we need help putting all the papers on the boards around the school." You thought about your answer. "Alright, give me the papers and we'll put it on all the boards." The student gave you the school newspapers. "Thanks Y/n! You're the best."

Then the student ran away to her club to do work or something. "That is awfully a lot of school papers." Matthew said. "Yeah, you guys will help too right?" You asked. "No problem! The hero can do anything." "Da. I could help too." "Me too maple leaf."

You handed the three of them an equal amount of the shool newspapers. "Okay guys, when you're all done meet at that school board over there." You pointed to a nearby board. They all nodded and headed out. You skipped the one near you since it was the tallest and biggest board.

~ Time Skip ~

It's been only 15 minutes and you had one stack of the school newspapers. Since it was the last one you were going to use it for the last board. You saw Alfred, Matthew, and Ivan already there waiting for you. You walked over to them. "Hey dudette! What took you so long?" Alfred said. "I was taking my time if you didn't know."

You put the rest of the papers in the box. "All done." You looked up to see a paper from the newspaper club. It was up really high. 'What kind of idiot would put it up that high?' You thought. "Hey Ivan." "Da?" "Can you lift me up so I can get that paper up there?" Ivan blushed.

"D-da." Ivan carefully placed his hands on your sides and lifted you up. "A little higher Ivan." Once Ivan stretched his long arms further you quickly got the paper. You noticed Ivan was tired of stretching his arms so far so you were about to ask him to put you down. But before you could say anything Ivan already fell to the ground. You fell with him since he had his hands on your sides.

"Y/n!" You heard Alfred and Matthew yell. Well, Matthew whispered - yelled. You opened your eyes and felt someone's chest. You got up and noticed it was Ivan. You blushed at your position. Ivan blushed too at the position. You quickly got up and offered a hand. "Um, sorry Ivan." "Its alright as long you are fine." Ivan took your hand and got up. Then you noticed three new students looking at you.

Al Pov (2p America)

Wow. That girl is hot! I took a glance at Matt (2p Canada) and Viktor (2p Russia). I could see them look at her interestingly too. "Hey. We need to go talk to doll." I said. They both nodded and followed. Since she has already saw us walking towards her I decided to speak. "Hey doll face."

Weird. She only gives everybody an emotionless face. "Hi, are you three the new students for this collage?" "Of course. Why wouldn't we be here?" "Maybe just to goof off in a collage." I stared at her angrily. I tried to calm down, but couldn't. She really pissed me off right there. Matt noticed I couldn't control my anger so he stepped in.

"We were told to follow you throughout the whole day since we three have the same schedule as you." Matt said calmly. "Yeah, what he said." I said calming down a bit. "Oh. Well, classes start in 18 minutes so let's head to class."

Y/n Pov

"Bye Matthew, see you second class." "Yeah, you too." You looked at the similarities between the 1ps and 2ps. First off with Russia. His 2p has brown hair, same hair style and wears a darker color. Next is Canada. His 2p has a lazy pony tail and wears red. He still has blond hair though and his purple eyes. Lastly, America. His 2p has the same hair style, but has brown hair while wearing a darker color.

You sighed. "Okay then off to class." You were about to walk untill someone put an arm around your shoulder. "Hold up dudette. Don't want to leave the hero right?" Alfred said in a heroic voice. "I beg to differ." You said sarcastically. You heard Ivan chuckling.

You arrived in class and sat down on your seat. Ivan and Alfred took their seats which were next to you. "Where do we sit doll face?" Al said. "Wherever you want, except where Alfred and Ivan are sitting." You said remarkably. Al's face dropped. "Fine doll face." 'Viktor is quiet isn't he?' You thought. 'He's never even spoke a word.'

"Y/n!" You turned to see Alfred. His face was inches from yours. You harshly pushed his face away with your hand. "Ack! Why did you do that Y/n? I was just only going to kiss you." "Kiss yourself you idiot." You turned to Ivan. "Hello Y/n." Ivan smiled his childish smile.

"Hi." It was quiet between you two for awhile untill you got pulled onto someone's lap. You turned to that person, and of course, you see Alfred. "What do you want?" You ask. Alfred grinned and grabbed your cheeks. "What are you doing you idiot." It was kind of hard to talk since Alfred grabbed onto your cheeks.

"I'm playing since I'm bored. You're my lover right?" America said while laughing. You gave him an 'are you serious' look. Alfred laughed nervously and held your chin. He leaned down to kiss you. You heard some of the girls quietly squeling. Aware of the situation you were in, you immediately got off Alfred and slammed his head onto his desk lightly, but for sure it still hurt.

"There will be more where that came from." You said annoyed and sat back down on your seat. Alfred was rubbing his face. Then someone whispered into your ear. "You're pretty strong doll face." You turned around and saw Al. "Now what do you want?" "Nothing, im just bored." "Go bother your brother." And with that you turned around.

"Are you okay Y/n?" You turned to the right and saw Ivan. "Yeah I'm alright. I'm just surrounded by some idiots. Not including you though." Ivan smiled. "I'm glad." You were confused. "Glad about what?" "For not hating me." "Of course I wouldn't hate you. I'm always friends with someone who's friendly like you." You rested your head with your hand while Ivan blushed.

Then he smiled. "Thank you Y/n. You're my favorite sunflower." You felt heat rise up your cheeks. "Thanks, I guess." Ivan knew that you weren't really a person who takes interest in love, well, that's what he thinks since you were mainly emotionless. He still likes you for who you are.

Brother!1pAmerica and 2p America x Reader x 1p Russia and 2p RussiaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora